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Steering Assembly Maintenance 

O-rings, packings, and miscellaneous parts within the steering assembly can be replaced at the intermediate level of maintenance. Trouble analysis charts are in many of the MIM and 03 manuals. The charts accommodate the systematic checkout of individual components. Like the aircraft troubleshooting charts, they are based on manufacturers experience, past part discrepancies, and part design. They list many of the possible troubles, probable causes, and recommend a commonsense remedy.

Accomplish the disassembly of the steering dampener assembly in the order of the key index numbers assigned to the exploded view illustration in the "Intermediate Repair Section" of the MIM. Before reassembly, clean all parts with a suitable solvent. Air dry with warm, dry, low-pressure (10 psi) air. Nylon, rubber, and Teflon parts are replaced and not cleaned. You should use the inspection standards in the MIM or applicable 03 manual to inspect all parts of the steering assembly.

Reassembly is essentially a reversal of the dis-assembly order with appropriate quality assurance checks at specific steps. Following complete re-assembly, the steering assembly must undergo the following bench tests:

1. Proof pressure test

2. Input torque test

3. Steering resolution test (input motion versus output motion)

4. Stall leakage test (output shaft in neutral and input shaft fully engaged, and then measure leakage

5. No steer test (steering assembly in neutral, and then measure leakage at return)

6. External leakage test

7. Static friction torque test (clockwise and counterclockwise torque required to start movement of the output shaft in the power ON and power OFF conditions)

8. Output torque test

9. Steady dampening rate test

The numerous steps involved in bench testing components, such as the steering assembly and the variations between it and other steering actuators, make it impractical to cover the individual steps in detail. Shop and quality assurance personnel must ensure that each component repaired at the intermediate maintenance level is actually in a ready-for-issue condition. This requires vigilance on the part of all personnel. A complete bench test must be made according to the test arrangements provided in the MIM or the applicable 03 manual.


Learning Objective: Recognize procedures for drop checks, troubleshooting, alignment and adjustment, and the maintenance removal and replacement of landing gear components.

Mandatory drop checks are required for all landing gear maintenance procedures that involve the removal and replacement of components, breaking of hydraulic lines or fittings, and any adjustments to gear or door linkages. Conditional maintenance requirements cards call for a drop check whenever the aircraft experiences a "hard landing." In addition, regular drop checks are required as part of the aircraft periodic inspection, even if there has been no reported discrepancy.

Western Governors University

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