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WING TWIST CHECK With the aircraft leveled and the wings folded, it is possible to check the wings for twist. One checkpoint is provided on each wing. Clinometer readings taken at these points, when compared to the fuselage longitudinal clinometer readings, will enable you to determine the condition of each wing. This is possible because there is a definite relationship between the fuselage longitudinal and wing reference
1. Fold the wings and level the aircraft laterally. 2. Install the leveling bar in the forward lockpin holes of the outboard panel fold rib. 3. Turn the rod until the milled flat at the forward end is straight up. 4. Set the clinometer on the flat and record the reading when the dial has stopped rotating.The right- and left-hand wing readings must be within 0 degrees, 12 minutes of each other for acceptable aerodynamic tolerances with respect to twist. They must also fall within the following upper and lower limits. The lower limit is established by subtracting 0 degrees, 20 minutes from the
RECOMMENDED READING LIST NOTE: Although the following References were current when this TRAMAN was published, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you need to be sure that you are studying the latest revision.General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR 01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 15 July 1969, Change 11, 15 August 1989, Section |