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Catapult Subsystem The catapult subsystem (fig. 6-40) provides seat propulsion throughout the catapult stroke and applies pressure to the drogue pistons that project the drogue parachute and its container up-ward into the airstream. It also provides ballistic gas to initiate seat-back rocket ignition and post-election sequencing operations. This subsystem may be divided into five major parts. These parts are described in the following paragraphs. CATAPULT CARTRIDGE.- The catapult cartridge provides ballistic gas pressure to boost
Figure 6-40.- Catapult system. the seat and pilot out of the cockpit and to expel the drogue container and chute from the seat. The catapult cartridge also initiates ignition of two SBR motors and initiates the post-ejection sequencing subsystem (fig. 6-41).