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Master Repairable Item List (MRIL) The MRIL is the official designated source for determining the proper disposition of NRFI repairable. The MRIL is available in Compact Disk Read-Only Memory (CD-ROM) and in mechanized format. The MRIL in CD-ROM is the primary source of information for nonmechanized activities. This format is updated in its entirety, published, and distributed monthly. The CD-ROM format is in two parts. Part 1 of the CD-ROM MRIL is a list of all DLRs in national item identification number (NIIN) sequence. The information includes associated data pertinent to each item. Some of the data are the Cog, MCC, movement priority designator (MPD), shipping code, and special notes where applicable. The shipping code may be a six-position code beginning with an N, a C, or a W. The N represents a Navy activity with the remaining five digits being the unit identification code (UIC). The C represents a commercial repair facility and the W represents an other service repair facility. The digits following the C or W are not UICs. If the MRIL lists more than one shipping code, ship the item to the closest address from your activity. Shipping codes may also be a WW, XX, YY, or ZZ. Only one shipping code is assigned to an item in the MRIL. his code will either be an alpha alpha or six-digit UIC shipping code but not both. The WW and YY shipping code indicates that the item must be sent to a Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO). 'he XX shipping code indicates that the item is shipped to the closest fleet and industrial supply center (FISC). The ZZ shipping code indicates that disposition and shipping instructions must be requested from the ICP. Part 2 of the CD-ROM MRIL is a list of shipping addresses relative to the shipping code in part 1. This part also includes the supplementary address information wherever applicable. The mechanized MRIL is used by activities having a computer system. The information in the mechanized MRIL is the same as in the CD-ROM format. The mechanized MRIL is established and maintained on three computer disk files from MRIL computer tapes. The MRIL computer tapes are provided monthly by the Fleet Material Support Office (FMSO) to mechanized activities. One of the files is equivalent to the part 1 of the CD-ROM format. The other two files are identical shipping address files except one is in shipping code sequence and the other is in activity sequence code (ASC) order. The ASC is a four-position numeric code. The ASC is developed to permit mechanized processing by computing the difference (value) between the processing activity's ASC and the listed DRP/DSP ASCs. The lowest value is the closest DRP/DSP whenever there is more that one DRP/DSP to which an item can be shipped. The MRIL must be used in conjunction with other publications. Afloat units should use additional guidance outlined in Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485, and Supply Afloat Packaging Procedures, NAVSUP P-484. Ashore activities should use additional guidance outlined in the MILSTRIP/ MILSTRAP, NAVSUP P-437, and Material Turned in to Store (MTIS) Manual, NAVSUP Instruction 4440.157. The area of the MRIL that is subject to change is the material priority designator (MPD). The item manager (IM) has the option to lower or raise the MPD. The IM raises the shipment priority of the retrograde to the DRP/DSP to expedite repair. The IM may lower the shipment priority if the inventory quantity of the item is sufficient to support future requirements. Advanced Traceability and Control (ATAC) The new procedures for moving NRFI DLRs are provided by ATAC. The ATAC directs shipment of NRFI DLRs to a specific Hub activity within the geographical zones on the east or west coast. It also directs shipments to Transportation Nodes such as Fleet and Industrial Supply Center (FISC) Yokosuka or NAS Sigonella. The Nodes consolidate the shipments of NRFI DLRs and forward the consolidated freight to the closest Hub for processing. The Hub performs full technical screening, packing and preservation, and transaction reporting. The Hub transships the NRFI DLRs to the DRP/DSP according to the MRIL. The two geographic Hubs are FISC Norfolk and FISC San Diego. Some programs are excluded from the ATAC Hub concept. Some of the programs that are excluded are the repair and return, ship's express, and classified items. Refer to NAVSUP P-545 for a complete list of programs that are excluded from the ATAC Hub concept. FIELD LEVEL REPAIRABLE (FLRs) As described in the previous paragraphs, aviation FLRs are identified by cognizance symbol 1RD. End-use requirements for FLRs are filled from the activity's fixed allowance. If the required FLR is not available for issue, the NRFI component is inducted for expeditious repair (EXREP). If the EXREP is unable to satisfy the requirement, retail activities may issue from purpose code A assets. Wholesale activities refer their requisitions to NAVICP-Phil. Upon issue of an FLR, the financial transactions will not be recorded when the NRFI turn-in was repaired by the maintenance activity. If the maintenance activity was unable to repair the NRFI turn-in, the expenditure will be recorded at the standard price. The customer will be balled for the FLR issued and will not be credited for NRFI turn-in. The NRFI FLR is disposed of according to the MRIL. Stock replenishment for FLRs may be obtained from the purpose code A stock or from the supporting supply source. Refer to NAVSUPINST 4440.159 for detailed procedures for FLR transactions. DEPOT LEVEL REPAIRABLES (DLRs) The DLRs are repairable items for which the condemnation should be made at the depot level. These items may also be repaired at the organizational or intermediate level as determined by the assigned SM&R code. Depot level repairable are further categorized as described in the following paragraphs. . Aviation Depot Level Repairable (AVDLRs) are DLRs under the management of the Naval Inventory Control Point-Philadelphia (NAVICP-PM). Selected repair or maintenance of AVDLR components can be accomplished at the intermediate maintenance activity (IMA). Unserviceable AVDLRs that were determined to be beyond capability of maintenance (BCM) at the IMA must be shipped to the depot repair facility. . Non-AVDLRs are DLRs under the management of the Naval Inventory Control Point-Mechanicsburg (NAVICP-Mech). Unserviceable non-AVDLRs are shipped to a depot repair facility when determined to be BCM at the IMA. . NSA DLRs are Defense Business Operations Fund (DBOF) owned DLRs under the management of NAVICP-Phil or NAVICP-Mech. The NSA DLRs are carried in stores account 51000. . Appropriation Purchase Account (APA) DLRs are those items identified by an even number cognizance (Cog) symbol and managed by NAVICP-Phil or NAVICP-Mech. These DLRs are carried in stores account 52000. MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS FOR AVIATION REPAIRABLE Several management programs for repairable have been established within the aviation supply system to enable the IMs to maintain control and to make sure unserviceable components are repaired in a timely manner. Some of these special programs are discussed in the following paragraphs. OPERATIONAL SUPPORT INVENTORY/FIXED ALLOWANCE Weapons systems are supported under the operational support inventory/fixed allowance concept. Refer to NAVSUPINST 4440.160, FASOINST 4440.15, and FASOINST 4440.16 for detailed procedures. A negotiated firm allowance of repairable assets may not be exceeded without NAVICP authorization. Strict one-for-one exchange discipline between O- and I-level maintenance activities and the supply department must be maintained. Off-station requisitions must not be submitted before the item is confirmed as beyond capability of maintenance (BCM), except when the item is listed in the consolidated remain in place list (CRIPL). The NAVICP maintains visibility of stock records of fixed allowance repairable through the transaction item report (TIR) from activities assigned as TIR sites. Storage of fixed allowance assets is authorized at any ASD/SSC location within the operating site. Normally, the storage site is referred to as the LRCA storage unit. INTENSIVE REPAIRABLE ITEM MANAGEMENT (IRIM) PROGRAM The NAVSUP Instruction 4419.4 describes the IRIM program at the inventory control points in detail. This program was established to standardize previously existing programs for intensive management of high cost, critical aviation, and shipboard repairable items. For aviation repairable, the IRIM program replaces the intensive closed-loop aeronautical management program (I-CLAMP). The implementation of the IRIM program is designed to resolve problems with availability, reduce backorders, improve repair turn-around time (RTAT), and improve carcass returns. You can also refer to ASOINST 4440.99 concerning the IRIM program. |
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