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The reports required by the NAVSO P-3013 are the Budget OPTAR Report (BOR) and the OPTAR Document Transmittal Report. The document used for submitting the BOR is NAVCOMPT Form 2157. The NAVCOMPT Form 2156 is used for submitting the transmittal report.

OPTAR Document Transmittal Report

All unfilled orders, cancellation documents, processed DAO listings (or detail cards), and other transaction documents that affect the status of the OPTAR are transmitted to the DAO on an accurate and timely basis to permit the up-to-date maintenance of the official amounting records of the TYCOM or other operating budget holders.

Activities using manual procedures submit the OPTAR document transmittal report on the 15th and last day of each month for the current fiscal year OPTAR. The documents in the holding files 1 and 2 are removed, assembled, and submitted to the DAO with the OPTAR document transmittal report. The OPTAR holders operating under SUADPS-RT submit the mechanized unfilled order (obligation) documents along with an OPTAR document transmittal report on the last day of each month for current fiscal year OPTAR. If no transactions have taken place since the last transmittal, a transmittal will not be made for such period or periods.

Assembling the Holding File Documents

Make separate adding machine tapes for documents in holding file 1 and in holding file 2. The net total of these two tapes should be equal to the difference between the beginning and ending balances of the estimated cost chargeable columns of the requisition/OPTAR log for the current reporting period.

Submitting the OPTAR/Document Transmittal Report

The OPTAR/document transmittal report is prepared according to NAVSO P-3013-2. The report must be numbered consecutively for each OPTAR. For example, the first transmittal number for fiscal year 1996 is 001/6, the second is 002/6, and so forth. The fourth digit refers to the last digit of the appropriation fiscal year. When a transmittal is omitted for one or more periods because there are no transactions, the next transmittal should be numbered one higher than the last one submitted.

Check the OPTAR/document transmittal report before submitting to DAO. Ensure that the value of documents being transmitted corresponds to and equals the value of documents entered in the estimated cost chargeable section of the requisition/OPTAR log for the period being reported. The document values are under caption 1 (unfilled orders/adjustments from holding file 1) and caption 2 (cancellations/adjustments from holding file 2) of the OPTAR/document transmittal report.

The DAO will notify the OPTAR holder if the value of documents received does not agree with the values reported in captions 1 and 2 of the OPTAR/document transmittal report. The DAO will request that the records be corrected accordingly.

Reporting Prior Year OPTAR

An OPTAR fund is classified as a prior year OPTAR at the end of 12 months since issue. The OPTAR holder is required to submit the report monthly (on the last day of the month) for the next 2 years. The report must be submitted only when there are transactions that affect the gross obligations of the budget/OPTAR report.

The SAC 207 activities will continue to submit the OPTAR/document transmittal report for the entire 36-month life cycle of the appropriation. The report is submitted monthly in each month in which a transaction has occurred and the unfilled order documents are sent to DAO.

Budget/OPTAR Report (BOR)

The BOR is submitted by message format or by a prepared NAVCOMPT Form 2157. Under normal circumstances, the message Budget/OPTAR Report, NAVCOMPT Form 2157, is used to report BOR data. However, when the operating unit is in the immediate vicinity of the DAO or during periods of message MINIMIZE, the NAVCOMPT Form 2157 is prepared and submitted instead of the message report. When prepared, the NAVCOMPT Form 2157 is submitted by hand or mailed to the DAO, with a copy to the TYCOM, not later than the first workday of the month following the month to be reported. When a message report is submitted, the report is sent to DAO, with a copy to the TYCOM by no later than the first day of the month following the end of the month being reported. In addition, when the message report is submitted, the NAVCOMPT Form 2157 is NOT submitted. Refer to table 6-2 for the frequency for submitting the budget/OPTAR report.

Table 6-2.-Reporting Frequency of BOR

The NAVCOMPT Form 2157 report is divided in 3 parts. Manual OPTAR holders are not required to use part I of the form. Parts II and III data must be filled out and submitted to DAO and the type commander. Refer to NAVSO P-3013 for detailed instructions in preparing the NAVCOMPT Form 2157.

BALANCING THE BOR.- After completing the report, balance the BOR by subtracting the total amount (block 24, part II of BOR) from the OPTAR grant (FYTD) amount (remarks block of the BOR). The result should equal the balance column total of the requisition/OPTAR log.

BOR UNDER SUADPS-RT.- The SUADPS-RT system is capable of preparing the BOR automatically when the monthly financial report is processed. Some versions of SUADPS are not currently able to separate end-use obligation from the DBOF (NSA) stores returns when an early cut-off date is required for the submission of the returns. Accordingly, some SUADPS activities are not able to separate reporting of end-use obligations (preparation of BOR separate from DBOF returns). The NAVSO P-3013-2 describes the reporting methods and procedures that should be used in each situation.

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