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Budget/OPTAR Report

Under normal circumstances, the message Budget/OPTAR Report, NAVCOMPT Form 2157, is used to report Budget/OPTAR Report data, However, when the operating unit is in the immediate vicinity of the FAADC or during periods of message MINIMIZE, the report is prepared and submitted instead of the message report. When prepared, the Budget/OPTAR Report is submitted by hand or mail to the FAADC, with a copy to the TYCOM, no later than the first workday of the month following the month to be reported. When a message report is submitted, the report is sent to the FAADC, with a copy to the TYCOM no later than the second day of the month following the end of the month being reported. In addition, when the message report is submitted, the Budget/OPTAR Report copy is NOT submitted. Refer to figure 2-9 for

Figure 2-8.-Frequency of submission of the OPTAR Document Transmittal Report, NAVCOMPT Form 2156.

maintained. These transactions listings are as follows:

Detail Filled Order/Expenditure Listing (as required)

Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (monthly)

Aged Unfilled Order Listing (monthly for the 4th through the 15th month and quarterly thereafter)

Unmatched Expenditure Listing (quarterly)

The above listings, as applicable, are submitted to the OPTAR holder and should be reviewed immediately upon receipt, validated or corrective action taken, and returned to the FAADC as soon as they are processed. Except for reimbursable OPTARs, TAD transactions, and certain fleet command level funds, these listings are submitted during the current year and the next 24 months thereafter for each fiscal year appropriation. Listings applicable to reimbursable OPTARs and other special funds or transactions are submitted for the 36-month life cycle of the appropriation.

The Detail Filled Order/Expenditure Listing is for backup purposes only and is retained by the FAADC. Figure 2-10 shows the distribution cycle for FAADC transactions listings.

Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference Listing

The Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (SFO/EDL) (original and one copy) is forwarded monthly by the FAADC to individual OPTAR holders for each OPTAR held. The listing is a report of all filled orders with a difference of $100 or more, as shown in figure 2-11. OPTAR holders accept and post to the requisition/OPTAR log all differences shown on the SFO/EDL. All differences are listed by fund code. After posting the differences, the OPTAR holder reviews the listing and annotates transactions considered invalid with the appropriate rejection code. Rejection codes are listed in the NAVSO P-3013, paragraph 4108. The valid rejections are reversed and a correction appears on the next summary list from the FAADC. Differences of $3,000 or more are manually researched by the FAADC before being reported to the OPTAR holder, and these differences must be accepted unless the investigation positively shows the difference to be invalid.

Figure 2-10.-FAADC transaction listings submission cycle.

Figure 2-11.-Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (SFO/EDL).

Figure 2-12.-Aged Unfilled Order Listing.

Aged Unfilled Order Listing

The Aged Unfilled Order Listing, as shown in figure 2-12, is forwarded monthly (except for the first quarter of the current fiscal year) by the FAADC to the individual OPTAR holders for each OPTAR held. The listing is distributed monthly for the 4th month through the 15th month of the reporting period, and then quarterly for the 16th report month through the 33rd report month. The original only, with supporting detail cards for each line item, is provided to Atlantic Fleet ships and Operating Forces units. An original and one copy is provided to Atlantic Fleet aviation Operating Forces and all Pacific Fleet units without supporting detail cards. The Aged Unfilled Order Listing lists all unfilled orders over 120 days old held in the FAADC files that have not matched with related expenditure documents and have not been cancelled. When the material or services have been received, this indicates that the FAADC has not received the expenditure document, a number has been transposed thereby prohibiting a match and has been directly threshold charged, or the issuing activity has failed to forward an expenditure document.

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