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The SRS is the single point of contact for recessing customer requirements and providing follow-ups and status as required. The SRS is divided into six units: requisition control unit (RCU), technical research unit (TRU), stock locator unit (SLU), material delivery unit (MDU), pre-expended bin (PEB) unit, and the program management unit (PMU).

The SRS is responsible for processing material requirements, maintaining control, transmitting requests to other on-station supply processing points as required, delivering all parts and materials to customers, providing status on all requirements received, maintaining all aviation PEBs, and expediting all high-priority requisitions. Individual unit responsibilities of the SRS are listed in the next paragraphs.


The RCU receives all requests for material requirements, prepares appropriate documentation, maintains appropriate files and registers, and provides status to the customer. All material requests must include the following information: . Organizational code. . Job control number (JCN). Requests for material in support of technical directives compliance (RECTYP 64) or initial issue (REC-TYP 65) requires notification of the SSC. On RECTYP 64 issues, the WUC may be omitted. On RECTYPS 65,66, and 67 issues, the JCN and the WUC may be omitted. . Type equipment code (TEC).

. Bureau/serial number. Maybe omitted if not applicable.

l Work unit code (WUC). Requests for consumable materials that do not have a unique WUC indicate the WUC of the subsystem on which the consumable material is being installed. 

. CAGE code. This element contains the engine TEC instead of the CAGE code when an aircraft engine is requisitioned.

. Manufacturer's part number.

. Quantity.

. Document number.

l Demand code.

. Delivery point.

. Fund code. May be omitted if not applicable.

l Project code. Can be found in NAVSUP

P-437 and NAVSUP P-485. l Priority. l Required delivery date. Maybe omitted if

not applicable. l Advice code. Mandatory for repairable.

Technical Research Unit

The TRU is responsible for the verification of requisition data such as part number, stock number, References, and other technical data. When applicable, a thorough technical research is made for substitution, interchangeability, and alternate national item identification numbers (NIINs). When an NSN for requested material cannot be identified, enter the manufacturer's part number in its place, CAGE code in block R and 99 in card columns 55 and 56. In addition, the following data is required:

Document identifier (DI).

National stock number (NSN).

Unit of issue.

Cognizant symbol (COG). If COG 4V is entered indicating an aircraft engine request, block R must contain an engine TEC instead of a CAGE code.

Advice code, Mandatory for repairable items with NSN. If advice code not available, obtain from requisitioner. 

Purpose code.

Condition code. Not required for SUADPS procedures.

Material control code (MCC). Like the advice code, the MCC is mandatory for repairable items with NSN.


l Price. Net price if the turn-in is available. Standard price if no turn-in is available (nonexchange advice codes).

Stock Locator Unit

The SLU is responsible for locating the material by use of stock locator cards, master stock status and locator listing (MSSLL), or other available locator systems. Under some automated systems, the locations are printed on the requisitions when processed. The SLU processes requisitions by taking the following actions:

l Receives requisitions from the TRU.

l Determines availability and location.

l Annotates locations on the requisitions.

l For carried items, forwards to the MDU.

l For NC or NIS items, annotates status on requisition, does physical warehouse/storeroom checks on all NIS NMCS/PMCS requisitions, and forwards all NC/NIS requisitions to the TRU. . For NC/NIS consumable requisitions returned by the TRU and subsequent status is still NC/NIS, forwards requisition to the RCU. l For NC/NIS repairable requisitions, forwards the DD Form 1348 green copy to the RCU.

Holds the DD Form 1348 original, pink, yellow, and hardback copies in the repairable suspense file until notified by the RCU to induct as EXREP. 

l Upon notification by the RCU, stamps requisition EXREP and forwards to the MDU for component pickup.

. For repairable that are CRIPL items and status is NC/NIS, forwards the DD Form 1348 original, pink, yellow, and hardback copies to the RCU.

Material Delivery Unit

The MDU is responsible for the pickup and delivery of all material. Fragile material and delicate components that require special handling, including special padding, racks, and so on, should be delivered by the most direct route to reduce the risk of damage. The MDU processes requisitions by taking the following actions:

l Receives requisitions from SLU for carried items.

l Delivers requisitions to indicated storage locations.

. Picks up and delivers material from appropriate storage locations. Storage location personnel remove the DD Form 1348 original and green copy for consumable issues, enter the Julian date and time of issue below block V, and forward them to stock control for financial and data processing actions. When repairable items are delivered and the DD Form 1348 is stamped mandatory turn-in repairable (MTR), an immediate exchange or proof of prior turn-in is required unless the item is an authorized CRIPL asset. 

l Has the customer annotate time/date/ signature on the DD Form 1348 pink and hardback copies as a receipt for the material. Gives the customer the pink copy and delivers the hardback copy to the RCU. l For warehouse refusals (preposting activities only), receives requisitions from the warehouse annotated with Warehouse Refusal and delivers them to the TRU via the RCU. 

. For repairable components (exchange available), receives the turn-in component from the customer with logs/records and VIDS/MAF copies 1 through 5 attached, signs and returns the DD Form 1348 yellow copy to customer as a receipt, and delivers the turn-in components, logs/records, and VIDS/MAF copies 1 through 5 to the aeronautical material screening unit (AMSU) via the supply screening unit (SSU). Returns the signed and annotated VIDS/MAF copy 2 and the DD Form 1348 original, green, and hardback copies to the document control unit (DCU). l For repairable components (exchange not available), has the customer sign the DD Form 1348 yellow and hardback copies, delivers the yellow and hardback copies to the DCU, and gives the customer the DD Form 1348 pink copy.

. Receives the EXREP requisition DD Form 1348 original, pink, yellow, and hardback copies. Picks up the component with VIDS/MAF copies 1 through 5 and returns the signed yellow copy as proof of turn-in to the customer. . Delivers the EXREP component, logs, records, and VIDS/MAF copies 1 through 5 and the DD Form 1348 original, pink, and hardback copies to the SSU.

Pre-Expended Bin Unit

The PEB unit contains high-usage, maintenance-related consumable materials that have been expended from the supply department stock records and financial accounts.

The purpose of the PEB is to shorten the issue and accounting procedures for recurring issues of maintenance-related materials. The PEBs are located where they are readily accessible to maintenance personnel and, when feaible, where they can be observed by the retail outlet Storekeeper to aid in recognizing abuses to the pre-expended system.

Items subject to pilferage are retained within an enclosure with access limited to authorized personnel.

The SRS is responsible for the management and maintenance of the PEBs by replenishment or turn-inaction, as required. PEB stock is limited to maintenance-related material having a minimum demand frequency of three per month. The quantity of each item pre-expended may not exceed an estimated 30-day supply, subject to the requirement that stock be replenished in full package quantities.

The supply officer and the maintenance officer of the activity being supported are jointly responsible for determining those eligible items to be added or purged from pre-expended stocks. Eligible items with a unit cost of $150 or less may be routinely established in PEB stock. Eligible items with a unit cost in excess of $150 maybe preexpended with the approval of the commanding officer.

Stock records are reviewed quarterly to guarantee that all items have sufficient usage to be retained in pre-expended status and to correct any mixing of pre-expended items, As a minimum, any item that had no demand within the last 12 months should be purged from pre-expended stock and returned to the supporting supply department. Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2, volume III, chapter 14, for items not authorized for inclusion in the PEBs.

Program Management Unit

The PMU is responsible for processing and expediting high-priority requirements, such as NMCS/PMCS, broad arrow, work stoppage, and EXREP. The PMU distributes daily status listings and performs a continuous reconciliation of outstanding requirements between supply and maintenance activities.

Western Governors University

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