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APPENDIX I References

Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485. ASO Glossary of Abbreviations, FASOINST 4000.2Q. Automated SNAP I Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-567. Aviation Storekeeper 3, NAVEDTRA 10393-1. Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual, SECNAVINST 5216.5C. Department of the Navy Directives Issuance System, SECNAVINST 5215.1C. Financial Management of Resource Fund Administration (Operating Forces.),

NAVSO P-3013-1.

Financial Management of Resources Operating Procedures (Operating Forces), NAVSO P-3013-2.

Financial Management of Resources Operations and Maintenance, (Shore Activities), NAVSO P-3006.

Information and Personnel Security Program Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1.

Introduction to Federal Supply Catalogs and Related Publications, NAVSUP P-4000.


NAVSUP Manual, Ashore Supply Procedures, volume II.

Navy Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), Intermediate Level, OPNAVINST 4790.2D, volume III.

Navy Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), Organization! L.evel,

OPNAVINST 4790.2D, volume II.

Navy Comptroller Manual, volume II.

Navy Comptroller Manual, volume III.

Navy Supply Acquisition Regulation Supplement, (SUPARS), NAVSUP P-560.

SUADPS-RT Support Procedures, Financial Management Subsystem, volume III.

Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMPIS), OP-NAVINST 4614.1.

Yeoman 3, NAVEDTRA 10298.


ACCOUNTABILITY-The obligation imposed upon any person authorized to have public property in custody or possession, or to produce the property, or evidence of its authorized disposition when directed by proper authority or upon proper occasion. A final conclusion on any question of accountability generally depends upon the facts involved in that particular case.

ACCOUNTABLE ACTIVITY-An activity that receives and issues material in and out of a stores account (Navy Stock Account or Appropriation Purchases Account), such as special accounting class (SAC) 207 activities.

ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER-An individual appointed by proper authority who maintains inventory or financial records or both in connection with government property, whether the property is in that individual's possession for use or storage or in the possession of others to whom it has been officially entrusted for use or care and safekeeping.

ACCOUNTING PERIOD-A definite period of time, the beginning of which is freed either by law or by administrative action, for assembling, recording, or reporting accounting data.

ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE-A sixcharacter code, consisting of the service code (N, R, or V) and the unit identification code (UIC), that identifies a specific activity and translates to a clear text address.

AERONAUTICAL EQUIPMENT-Aircraft, support equipment, aviator's equipment, and other similar devices.

AERONAUTICAL MATERIAL-All the material used in the operation and maintenance of aircraft.

AIRCRAFI' CONTROLLING CUSTODIAN (ACC)-The air commands and Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) that exercise administrative control of assignment, employment, and logistics support of certain aircraft and aircraft engines as specified by the CNO.

AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT CONFIGURA-TION LIST-A listing of the avionics components installed in aircraft, cross-referenced to applicable allowance requirements registers, that contain the support requirements for outfitting purposes.

ALLOWANCE ITEMS-Items that appear in authorized allowance documents, such as COSAL, SHORCAL, and AVCAL with an allowed quantity.

ALLOWED ITEMS-Items, both allowance and nonallowance, that qualify for local stock, or items authorized to be procured as DTO material for immediate or planned use.

APPOINTING OFFICIAL-An individual designated in writing by the approving official. When authorized, the appointing official approves or disapproves reports of survey only when there is no evidence of negligence or abuse. The appointing official is normally senior to the responsible officer, accountable officer, and survey officer. For supply system stocks held in SAC 207, the appointing official is normally the supply officer. The appointing official may act as the survey officer.

APPROVING OFFICIAL-The individual who approves or disapproves the report of survey and makes a determination to relieve all concerned from responsibility and/or accountability or to approve assessment of financial liability. The approving official appoints the survey officer in writing. The approving official's responsibility cannot be delegated and must remain with the commanding officer when there is evidence of personal responsibility or the adjustment involves classified or sensitive items, arms, ammunition, or explosives.

AUDIT-A periodic evaluation of detailed plans, policies, procedures, products, directives, and records as applied to a Quality Assurance Program.

AUTOMATED ACTIVITIES-Activities equipped with an Electronic Digital Computer (EDC) system for processing supply and accounting documents and records.

AVAILABILITY PERIOD-A specific period of time established by the type commander for the accomplishment of approved maintenance by a naval shipyard.

AVIATION CAPABLE SHIP-A nonaviation ship that can be used as an aviation operating platform.

AVIATION LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM- The items of equipment and clothing needed to allow aircrew members and aircraft passengers to function within all parameters of the flight environment, to egress safely from disabled aircraft and descend to the surface, and to survive on land and water until rescue forces arrive.

AWAITING INDUCTION-The condition that exists when an item has been received by a supply activity but has not been inducted into the maintenance cycle for test/check/repair.

BAR CODE-A method of labeling material that provides for automated data collection for processing material receipts, issue transactions, and inventory of stowed materials. The labels consist of a series of vertical lines and spaces that provide coded information. These codes are read and interpreted by special scanning equipment referred to as Logistics Applications of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols (LOG-MARS).

BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (BPA)-A simplified procedure of establishing charge accounts with qualified sources of supply to cover anticipated small purchases of the same general category.

BROAD ARROW-A program to identify an urgently required test bench hem. This program is outlined in NAVSUPINST 5442.2.

CARCASS-A not ready for issue (NRFI) repairable component that requires turn-in to a repair facility or designated overhaul point.

CARCASS VALUE-The value of the repairable NRFI carcass. This value is equal to the difference between the standard price and net price. Example-standard price of $10,000 less net price of $3,000 equals carcass value of $7,000.

CARGO OFFICER-An individual designated by the supply officer to be responsible for receiving, inventorying, storing, issuing, offloading, and staging all material, as well as ensuring the material condition and security of all cargo holds and storerooms. The responsibility of the cargo officer may vary at the discretion of the supply officer or type commander. (Cargo officer is assigned on AFS ships only.)

CASUALTY REPORTING SYSTEM (CAS-REP)-A system for requisitioning emergency replacement parts for equipment or components out of commission that are essential to the ship's mission. Requisitions submitted for a CASREP requirement are identified by a W in the first position of the serial number of the document number.

CAUSATIVE RESEARCH-An in-depth investigation of specific physical inventory discrepancies to determine why they occurred so corrective action can be taken. This consists of a complete review of all transactions, locations updates, previous adjustments, and suspended or erroneous documentation within the allowable look-back period (normally 365 days).

CLEARANCE-A security clearance is a determination made that an individual is eligible for access to classified information up to a specific level.

COMBAT LOGISTTCS FORCE (CLF)- Ships assigned for the purpose of relieving deployed fleet units from direct dependency on shore bases for supply support. To accomplish this, the CLF provides items of known military essentiality and those in greatest demand by deployed fleet units.

CONTRACTOR PROGRAMS-Maintenance programs associated with support commercial derivative Navy aircraft where Navy personnel perform the organizational level maintenance with limited intermediate level effort. The contractor issues RFI components and provides limited diagnostic assistance.

CONTROLLED EQUIPAGE-Items of equipage that require special management control because the material is designated as control by fleet/type commander or commanding officer, the material is essential for the protection of life, or it is relatively valuable and easily converted to personal use.

CONSOLIDATED REMAIN-IN-PLACE LIST (CRIPL)-A microfiche publication identifying those intermediate level (I-level) and depot level (D-level) repairable that are authorized to remain in an aircraft until a serviceable item is received from supply.

COST CODE-A 12-position number to classify accounting transactions by providing the 8-position Julian date and serial number from a requisition and a 2-position fund code. The cost code is always preceded by 2 zeros on accounting data entries to make up the 12 positions.

CRITICAL ITEM-An item essential to the operational readiness of a ship or aircraft and in short supply in system stocks (or expected to be) for an extended period of time. Also used afloat to refer to high-usage, bulky consumables (also referred to as never-out items) that, because of shipboard space constraints, must be replenished at every opportunity.

CUSTODY-The physical possession of material and the assumption of responsibility against its improper usage and loss.

DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY (DLA)- A supply support organization assigned management responsibility and control of items in common use by all military services. About 60 percent of the line items in the integrated Navy supply system are managed by DLA. These items are identified by a 9 in the first position of the cognizance symbol.

DEPOT LEVEL MAINTENANCE INTER-SERVICE SUPPORT AGREEMENT-An agreement whereby one service performs depot level maintenance work for another service.

DOD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFOR-MATION SYSTEM (HMIS)-A system that provides accurate, complete information to both fleet and shore personnel on the procurement, use, transportation, handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials.

DUE-IN FROM MAINTENANCE (DIFM)- Depot-level repairable (DLR) assets that are inducted into aircraft intermediate maintenance department (AIMD) and are expected to be placed in stock upon completion of repair.

ENGINE TYPE EQUIPMENT CODE-A cross-reference between all maintenance-type equipment codes and the aircraft-type equipment codes under which OPTAR obligations and expenditures will be accumulated.

EQUIPAGE-Items that require management control afloat because of high unit cost, vulnerability to pilferage, or essentiality to the ship's mission. Chargeable items of equipage are identified in procurement, receipt, and other documents by the letter E in the second position of the applicable fund code.

EQUIPMENT-Any functional unit of hull, mechanical, electrical, ordnance, or electronictype material operated singly or as a component of a system or subsystem and identified by a component identification number (CID), numerical control code (NCC), allowance parts list (APL), or similar designation.

EQUIPMENT VALIDATION-The procedure of making sure that the equipment descriptions shown on the allowance lists agree with the nameplate data on the installed equipment.

EQUIVALENT ITEM-An item similar to another item to the extent that its characteristics are in strict accordance with drawings, specifications, standards, and performance qualification tests within limits or tolerances specified therein.

EXPEDITIOUS REPAIR (EXREP)-The removal of a component from an aircraft or equipment, expedited delivery, and immediate induction for repair with the goal of the earliest return to the customer. EXREP is normally used when a replacement for stock is not available.

FREQUENCY OF DEMAND-The number of times that an item is requested during a specific period of time regardless of the quantity requested or issued.

GOVERNMENT BILL OF LADING (GBL)- A transportation contract between a commercial carrier and the U.S. Government. The Standard Form 1103 provides delivery instructions to the carrier while the Standard Form 1103B serves as a receipt document for the consignee.

ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN (IPB)-A list prepared by the manufacturer for each model aircraft, engine accessory, electronic equipment, or support equipment (SE).

IMPREST FUND (IL)-A simple, economic purchase method used for small purchases not to exceed $500. The IL is a cash fund for which small payments are made at the time of purchase from a commercial vendor.

INTEGRATED LOGISTICS OVERHAUL (ILO)-A concerted effort of assigned shipboard personnel, under the supervision of an ashorebased ILO team, to refine shipboard inventories of repair parts, update related stock records consistent with authorized allowances or other stockage objective criteria, and identify material or excess stock.

INTEGRATED STOCK LIST (ISL)-A list, prepared as part of the ILO, in NIIN or NICN sequence of all repair parts required to support onboard equipment after the ship has undergone a shipyard overhaul. It is basically the Stock Number Sequence List (SNSL) of storeroom items updated to integrate modified allowances made due to configuration changes accomplished during the overhaul.

INTERCHANGEABLE ITEM-A nonequivalent item that is used in place of another item in all applications.

INVENTORY CONTROL POINTS (ICPs)- The primary support activities of the Naval Supply Systems Command, bureaus, systems commands, and offices that exercise inventory control over specific categories of material.

LOGISTICS APPLICATIONS OF AUTO-MATED MARKING AND READING SYM-BOLS (LOGMARS)-A system designed to improve the accuracy and productivity of the receipt and stowage process. It is a system used by SUADPS-RT activities to record incoming transactions by reading bar-code symbols.

MAINTENANCE CODE-Two-position codes used in source, maintenance and recoverability (SM&R) codes with the first position indicating the lowest maintenance level authorized to remove, replace, and use the support item. The second position indicates the maintenance level with the capability to perform complete repair.

MATERLAL OBLIGATION-Unfilled quantity of a requisition that is not immediately available for issue, but is recorded by the inventory manager or stock point as a commitment for future issue.

MATERIAL OBLIGATION VALIDATION (MOV)-A system used to verify the unfilled quantity of a requisition that is not immediately available for issue to the requisitioner, but is recorded as a commitment against existing or prospective stock dues or direct deliveries from vendors.

MATERIAL RECEIPT-Gaining possession of an item of Navy property through acceptance of physical custody.

MATERIAL SURVEYS-A procedure for determining the cause of gains, losses, or damage to Navy property, establishing personal responsibility (if any), and documenting necessary inventory adjustments to stock records.

MILITARY ORDINARY MAIL (MOM)- A special procedure approved by the U.S. Postal Service for providing air transportation of official fourth-class mail at a rate considerably cheaper than for priority mail. It may also be used for official second- and third-class mail if considered essential to timely delivery.

MISSING, LOST, STOLEN, OR RECOV-ERED (MLSR)-A program that requires the reporting of MLSR property valued at over $500, serialized items valued at over $100, and all losses of arms, ammunition, and explosives coded as sensitive.

NATIONAL CODIFICATION BUREAU CODE (NCBC)-A two-digit code included in the fifth and sixth digits of a national stock number (NSN) or a NATO stock number. In an NSN, it identifies the United States as the country that assigned the stock number. In a NATO stock number, it identifies the NATO country that assigned the stock number or indicates that the stock number is used by two or more countries.

NAVY ITEM CONTROL NUMBER (NICN)- Items of material that are not included in the Federal Catalog System, but are stocked or monitored in the Navy supply system. NICNs are 13-character identification numbers assigned by ICPs or other Navy item managers for permanent or temporary control of selected non-NSN items under their cognizance.

NET UNIT PRICE-Price charged for a DLR when the carcass will be turned in. Net unit price includes repair cost, replacement cost when item is BCM, and a surcharge.

NONALLOWANCE ITEMS-Items that do not appear in authorized allowance documents or, if listed, appear without an allowed quantity.

OPERATING TARGET (OPTAR)-An estimate of the money required by an operating ship, staff, squadron, or other unit to perform the task and function assigned.

ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUE MATERIAL- Any Navy property issued on a loan basis to an individual for use in the performance of official duties. This material is returned when the individual no longer requires it, transfers to another command, or is separated.

OTHER SUPPLY OFFICER (OSO) TRANS-FER-A transfer of Navy Stock Fund material between two accountable officers.

PROCUREMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE- The act of a qualified technician inspecting and certifying material acceptability for shipments received directly from a contractor. The inspection requires the technician to verify the original purchase contract specifications against the specifications of the material received and documented on the DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report.

PROVISIONING-The process of technical planning necessary to establish the individual item support; establishing minimum levels responsible for repair; identifying support equipment requirements, handbooks, manuals, and maintenance publications; determining the basic factory and field training requirements; and providing for the establishment of inventory management records. This process takes place when new equipment is purchased.

QUANTITY DEFICIENCY REPORT (QDR)-A report used to report quality deficient material to activities responsible for the design, development, purchasing, supply, maintenance, and contract administration so that the cause of the deficiency can be determined, deficiencies can be corrected, and action to prevent recurrence can be initiated.

QUICKTRANS-A scheduled cargo airlift system using commercial air carriers under contract to the Navy.

RANDOM SAMPLING INVENTORY-A method of determining the current inventory accuracy level whether or not there is a need for a total item count. It is considered to be part of the annual scheduled inventory program and a measure of the stock record accuracy for a segment of material based on the physical count of a specified number of randomly selected items within the segment.

RANGE-The number of different line items stocked. To increase the stock range is to add new line items to stock.

REAL TIME-The posting and processing of transactions as they occur rather than by the batch.

RECONCILIATION-An effort between two or more activities, units, or work centers to bring a common file into agreement.

RECOVERABILITY CODE-The third position of the maintenance code, indicating the lowest level authorized to condemn and dispose of an item.

REFERRAL ORDER-An order used between NSDs, NSCs, IMs, and other managers in the supply distribution system. Its purpose is to pass requisitions for continued supply action when the initial activity cannot fill the demand.

REPAIRABLE ITEM-A component or item that can be returned to an RFI condition by use of repair parts or by overhaul.

REPAIRABLE MATERIAL FILE (RMF)- A file that contains records consisting of elements unique to repairable management codes and counters used to document turnaround time for repaired components.

REPLACEMENT ITEM-A different item supplied as a spare or repair part in place of the originally used part. Replacement items are not necessarily interchangeable with the items they replace.

REPORT OF DISCREPANCY (ROD)- Standard Form 364, which is used to report shipping or packaging discrepancies attributable to or the responsibility of the shipper. This form is prepared by the receiving activity.

REQUISITION STATUS FILE-A file that contains records used to record a history of incoming and outgoing status changes and other requisition actions such as cancellations, modifications, and material obligation validations.

RESPONSIBILITY OFFICER-An individual appointed to exercise custody, care, and safekeeping of property. This may include financial liability for losses occurring because of failure to exercise this obligation. For supply system stock, the supply officer is normally assigned this responsibility.

RETROGRADE-Any movement of material that is being returned to supply or maintenance activities for repair.

SHIPBOARD UNIFORM AUTOMATED DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM-REAL TIME (SUADPS-RT)-SUADPS-RT refers to the entire group of supply and financial computer programs using the SNAP I system.

STANDARD UNIT PRICE-The price charged to a customer for a DLR when there is no NRFI turn-in.

STOWAGE-The act of physically storing material properly so that it is protected from loss or damage, as well as making sure that it will not cause any hazard to the ship or its crew.

SUBASSEMBLY-Two or more parts that form a portion of an assembly or a unit replaceable as a whole, but having a part or parts that are individually replaceable.

SUBSTITUTE ITEM-An item authorized for one-time use in place of another item, based on a specific application and request. Equivalent or interchangeable items are not included in the term substitute item.

SURVEY OFFICER-An individual who is appointed in writing by the approving official to conduct a survey when personal responsibility is suspected for lost government property. Individuals appointed must not be accountable or responsible for or in anyway directly interested in the property being surveyed.

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