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Hazardous Material Information System

The Hazardous Material Information System (HMIS) provides information to assist users in managing hazardous materials so that the risk involved in the performance of various jobs is minimized. The HMIS provides a wide range of data related to safety, health, packaging, labeling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous material. It also provides stowage and handling safety precautions. The HMIS is in microfiche format and is issued quarterly by NAVSUPSYS-COM.

List of Items Requiring Special Handling

The List of Items Requiring Special Handling (LIRSH), NAVSUP P-4105, is published to identify items that require special handling. The LIRSH is a reference publication used in conjunction with other publications, such as the MRIL and/or HMIS. Categories of items listed include repairable items, shelf-life items (deteriorative in nature), physical security code items (for special handling), and hazardous items. The LIRSH is published quarterly to coincide with the ML-N. Interim updating of elements such as NSN, repairable, security, shelf-life, and shelf-life action code data is provided via change notice cards/tapes to all applicable activities. Distribution of the LIRSH is controlled by the FMSO.

Afloat Shopping Guide

The Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG), NAVSUP P-4400, is designed to assist fleet and all Navy supply support personnel in identifying the NSN items that are most frequently requested by ships. It includes a detailed description of each item, a specific code to designate items carried by combat logistics force (CLF) ships, and when applicable, stock numbers of substitute items, The ASGs also include specifications, illustrations, or diagrams of several types of materials. The ASGs contain six sections as follows:

To obtain management data for those NSNs listed, the ML-N should be consulted for current information on unit of issue, unit price, and other pertinent supply management data required to requisition the item. This publication is updated as required. The ASG is distributed to all ships and Navy activities providing supply support within the Navy supply system.

Identification Lists

The Identification Lists (ILs) are developed and published by the DLSC to provide descriptive and illustrative data to identify or select items of supply used by all services. Therefore, various NSNs identified in the ILs are not listed in the ML-N. The ILs are updated either quarterly or semiannually, depending on the size of each. The ILs are distributed only to shore activities, loadcarrying ships, and aircraft carriers.

Navy Item Control Number to National MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP

Item Identification Number File

The Navy Item Control Number (NICN) to National Item Identification Number (NIIN) file is designed as a cross-reference to assist in the identification of those NICNs that have assigned NSNs. This publication is distributed on microfiche only and sequenced by the last nine digits of the NICN. The NICNs are not included in the Navy management data file (NMDF) nor are they published by the DLSC in the ML-N. However, a separate history file containing the NICN to NIIN cross-reference is maintained at the FMSO.

Navy Stock List of Publications and Forms

The Navy Stock List of Publications and Forms, NAVSUP P-2002, is published by the Naval Publications and Forms Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This publication contains requisitioning procedures and sources of supply to assist in the determination of how and where cognizance symbol I material may be obtained.

Storage and Materials-Handling Manual

The Storage and Materials-Handling Manual, NAVSUP P-284, establishes uniform methods and standards for storage and materials-handling applicable to the military services. It consolidates technical and detailed information available to the military services on the subject of storage and materials-handling operations involved in the receipt, storage, issue, and care of supplies except for preservation, packaging, and packing. The Navy Supplement, NAVSUP P-284-1, expands on certain of the above subjects and prescribes specific policy or procedures not eligible for joint publication affecting other services.


The MILSTRIP/MILSTUP Desk Guide, NAVSUP P-409, serves as a handy reference for personnel responsible for originating and processing MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP documents. This desk top booklet contains those common definitions, coding structures, and abbreviated code definitions used on a day-to-day basis. Blank space is provided for entering commonly used routing identifier, fund, project, and locally assigned codes.

The Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) and the Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures (MILSTRAP), NAVSUP P-437, publication establishes policy and procedures relative to MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP. The provisions of this publication take precedence over conflicting provisions contained in other supply system manuals or directives. It consists of 11 chapters and several appendixes and exhibits. This publication covers MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP relative to supply system management, requisitioning ashore, inventory control, financial matters, and material movement. It serves as a ready reference for personnel involved in preparation/processing of MILSTRIP documents.

Supply Afloat Packaging Procedures

The Supply Afloat Packaging Procedures, NAVSUP P-484, provides a simple do-it-yourself guide to assist naval supply activities both ashore and afloat that have limited packaging facilities in the accomplishment of basic packaging techniques that will adequately protect the transfer of material and retrograde shipments of repairable items.

Afloat Supply Procedures

The Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485, establishes policies for the operation and management of afloat supply departments and activities operating under afloat procedures. It is designed to assist supply personnel in the proper performance of their assigned duties and to aid them in understanding and performing their individual tasks associated with afloat supply operations. Although this publication is designed primarily for nonautomated ships (ships that use manual supply procedures), much of the information and policy it contains is applicable to all afloat supply departments including those that are automated. The procedures contained in this publication are minimum procedures that are essential to acceptable supply management and are mandatory unless specifically stated as being optional. It encompasses the procedures as outlined in the NAVSUP P-437 as they apply to afloat situations.

Navy Supply Acquisition Regulation Supplement

The Navy Supply Acquisition Regulation Supplement (SUPARS), NAVSUP P-560, implements and supplements the Navy Acquisition Regulation Supplement (NARSUP), the Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). This publication establishes uniform policies and procedures for the acquisition of supplies and services by the Navy field contracting system including fleet units receiving contracting authority and policy direction from Commander, NAVSUPSYSCOM. You should use this publication as a guide when procuring material for local purchase, blanket purchase agreement (BPA), imprest fund, or purchase orders.

Automated SNAP I Supply Procedures

The Automated SNAP I Supply Procedures (ASSP), NAVSUP P-567, provides detailed procedures for the operation of Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing System-Real Time (SUADPS-RT) for logistics management, inventory management, and financial management. It is mandatory for all aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships using SUADPS SNAP I procedures.

General Services Administration Federal Supply Catalog

The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Catalog lists approximately 20,000 line items that are stocked in GSA supply distribution facilities. The items listed in this catalog are assigned cognizance 9Q. The GSA Supply Catalog serves as the major merchandising instrument of the federal supply service (FSS) stock program and consists of a guide and four commodity catalogs as follows:

1. The GSA Supply Catalog Guide contains consolidated alphabetical and NSN indexes to all stock items listed in the four commodity catalogs and other items available through the FSS program. It provides detailed information concerning the program and requisitioning procedures.

2. The GSA Supply Catalog (Tools) contains listings of common and special use tools. It includes alphabetical and numerical indexes and a price list.

3. The GSA Supply Catalog (Office Products) lists a wide variety of items for office use, including paper supplies, standard and optional forms, and many items of equipment. It includes alphabetical and numerical indexes and a price list.

4. The GSA Supply Catalog (Industrial Products) contains descriptive listings of a broad range of items such as hardware, paints, adhesives, chemicals, machinery, building materials, and cleaning equipment and supplies. It includes alphabetical and numerical indexes and a price list.

5. The GSA Supply Catalog (Furniture) provides a single source of information for all furniture items presently stocked by the FSS.

Activities desiring these catalogs on a continuing basis should submit an FSS Publication Mailing List Application, GSA Form 457. Before processing requisitions for submission to GSA, you should refer to the ILs or ML-N for supply management data.

Western Governors University

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