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Exception Requisitioning by Naval Message

Requisitions that are excluded from submission by DAAS (mentioned earlier) are the only ones that can be submitted by naval message. The requisition should be submitted by using the Joint Messageform, DD 173/2(OCR), as shown in figure 17-11. The message should be sent for action to the supply source indicated in the routing identifier of the MILSTRIP. The message must be sent for information to CINCLANTFLT and the activity where the material is to be delivered.

A MILSTRIP requisition sent by naval message is normally unclassified. Since none of the MILSTRIP data elements contain classified information, the classifying of ammunition requisitions is unnecessary. If classified remarks are necessary, they must be provided by a separate message.

The subject line is shown as SUBJ: AMMO MILSTRIP REQUISITION, and the message requisition is submitted in complete MILSTRIP format with the data elements separated by a slant mark(/), as shown in figure 17-11. Essentially, a MILSTRIP requisition submitted by naval message contains the same data elements as the DD Form 1348 or the NAVSUP 1353. The major difference is that no data elements of a MILSTRIP requisition submitted by naval message can be left blank. When data elements are not applicable, they must be identified by BLNK (blank).

Multiple requisitions are included in the same message providing they contain the same routing identifier. The routing identifier shown in figure 17-11 is N24. The routing identifier N24 identifies NAVSEASYSCOM, Washington, D.C., as the activity to receive the requisition. Additional ammunition items can be included on the same message providing all the items are to be requisitioned from NAVSEASYSCOM, Washington, D.C. Each ammunition item must be listed as a separate line item and sequentially numbered (1., 2., 3.).

Additionally, for all requisitions having the same document identifier, routing identifier, Media and Status code, unit of issue, requisitioner's Service code and UIC, Julian date, Demand code, supplementary address, Signal code, Fund code, Distribution code (including the same COG symbol), Project code, priority, and RDD, the codes maybe shown once in the MILSTRIP message format, with BLNK in the fields for stock number, unit of issue, quantity, and serial number, as

Figure 17-11.-Joint Messageform, DD 173/2 (OCR).

shown in figure 17-12. The DODAC/NALC, unit of issue, quantity, and serial number for each item required are listed in columns immediately below the MILSTRIP data.


The requisitioning procedures followed by fleet units are determined by the units mission assignment and geographical location. Fleet units are composed of cargo ships (AE/AOE/AOJ/AS), mission load ships (CV/LPH/AD/AS), and aircraft squadrons. Since the majority of Aviation Ordnancemen are assigned to aircraft carriers or aircraft squadrons, the discussion that follows concerning requisitioning procedures for fleet units is limited to these two units.

Stock Levels

Ships are required to maintain 100 percent of their shipfill ammunition allowance on board or on order. One exception is that stock levels can be reduced to 90 percent to permit expenditures for training, or to carry exercise ammunition. Individual waivers of this requirement must be requested from the ship's operational commander.

Requisitioning Channels

The requisitioning channels for use by fleet activities are determined by the locality of the unit. Ships and units located in CONUS or CONUS operating areas should submit requisitions to DAAS. Requisitions for the following materials must be in the format previously discussed and submitted as follows:

Requisitions for 2E COG cartridge-actuated devices should be submitted to NAVORDCEN, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

Requisitions for 2E COG bombs and rockets should be submitted to the naval weapons station closest to the unit's homeport or to the weapons station designated for the loadout.

Figure 17-12.-Sample of completed Joint Messageform DD 173/2 (OCR). 17-16

Requisitions for 2T COG material should be submitted to the naval weapons station closest to the unit's homeport or to the weapons station designated for the loadout.

Requisitions for 4T COG torpedo components and ASROC components should be submitted to NAVORDCEN, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

Requisitions for 6T COG material should be submitted to the Mine Warfare Engineering Activity (MINEWARENGACT), Yorktown, Virginia.

Requisitions for the following material must be requisitioned by naval message in the format previously discussed and submitted as follows:

Requisitions for 2E COG aircrew escape propulsion system (AEPS) devices should be submitted to NAVORDCEN, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, according to NAVORDCENINST 8010.2 (series).

Requisitions for all 8E COG air-launch missiles, Harpoon missiles, Seasparrow missiles, 8T COG surface-launch missiles, and complete-round torpedoes require special requisitioning procedures, which are discussed later in this chapter.

When ships or units are deployed in the Atlantic Fleet or the Pacific Fleet, ammunition requisitions are submitted by naval message to the appropriate type commander or the applicable inventory manager. Instructions are available within each command to provide you with guidelines for properly submitting ammunition requisitions.

Western Governors University

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