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Requisition Processing

Although there are many variations for specific items, requisitions normally follow a particular path. For example, a person aboard a ship submits requisitions to an ammunition stock point, such as a weapons station. If the stock point has the material requisitioned, it is reserved for the ship and issued to meet the RDD. If the stock point does not have the material. the requisition is referred to the inventory manager. The inventory manager does one of the following four things:

1. Refers the requisition to another stock point that has the material available or due in the RDD.

2. Refers the requisition to the U.S. Army Armament Material Command (ARRCOM) for issue by the Army.

3. Rejects the requisition. The requisitioner is notified of the reason why it cannot be filled, and unless

otherwise advised, the requisition is canceled.

4. Refers the requisition to CINCLANTFLT or the type commander for possible redistribution of assets within fleet units. As a final alternative, CINCLANTFLT will attempt to redistribute fleet assets to meet the requirement.

Requisition Status

To keep units informed of action taken on their requisitions, MILSTRIP processing activities provide status follow-ups according to the Media and Status code selected in the requisition. Normally, status is provided to requisitioners by messages or punched and printed cards in MILSTRIP format.

MILSTRIP status documents contain a document identifier and a routing identifier. These identifiers denote the type of document and the sender of the status data. Supply status documents contain a Status code in card columns 65 and 66. For a current and complete description of MILSTRIP Status codes, refer to NAVSUP Publication 485.

Shipment status documents contain information regarding shipment. This includes date of shipment, mode of shipment, transportation control number, date available for shipment, and port of embarkation.

Requisitioners need not always accept the rejection/cancellation of a requisition as the final word. In some cases, requisitions are rejected/canceled because the RDD cannot be met. When a later RDD can be provided, the requisitioning unit should submit a MILSTRIP modifier with a request for reinstatement in the remarks section. Occasionally, the quantity requisitioned is questioned by the processing activity. This may happen when the quantity requisitioned exceeds the allowance or is not on allowance. Questions of this nature should be evaluated promptly and a reply forwarded to the processing activity. When the requisition is justified, say so and why.

Expediting Requisitions

Normally, ammunition requisitions are processed for delivery to the requisitioning activity by the ammunition supply system without problems. However, requisitions do become lost or delayed. To minimize this situation, there are several methods that can be used to review and expedite requisitions. These methods include follow-up, priority increase, and special assistance.

Aggressive submission of a MILSTRIP follow-up on an outstanding requisition is the first and best method of ensuring the requisition is not lost. All requisitions have some type of status requirement. Stock points and inventory managers are responsible for providing this status, and requisitioners should expect it.

MILSTRIP follow-ups should be submitted to the last known Navy holder after 14 days have elapsed since submission of the requisition or the last follow-up. You should continue to do this until a status is received. A follow-up should also be submitted whenever notification of backorder status (Status codes BB, BC, BD, or BP) has been received and there is an indication that delivery will not meet the RDD. Follow-up every 14 days until more positive status or confirmation of the delay is received.

There are three types of follow-up; each one is distinguished by a specific document identifier. When only the current status of a requisition is needed, you should use Document Identifier code AF1. A follow-up using a three-position document identifier in the code AT (series) is submitted when you are requesting the current status of a requisition. This follow-up serves as a replacement requisition when the supply source has no record of the previously submitted requisition. Activities located in CONUS should use Document Identifier code ATD, and activities outside CONUS should use AT4. The AT (series) Document Identifier codes are used only when status has not been received by the requisitioner. An AFC Document Identifier code is used to improve the estimated shipping date (ESD) when an unsatisfactory ESD has been received from the supply source.

A second follow-up method is to personally contact the holder of the requisition. This method should be reserved for more serious problems. It should NOT be used in a routine manner because it usually involves an extraordinary amount of time and effort for all personnel concerned

A third method of expediting requisitions is to raise the priority of the requisition. This can be done only when the F/AD is upgraded or when the urgency of the requirement increases (UND designator is raised). Normally, ships and units not deployed are assigned F/AD III. However, F/AD II is assigned to ships and units 60 days before and during deployment. Accordingly, requisitions submitted more than 60 days in advance of deployment use priorities authorized for F/AD III. When deployment is less than 60 days away, requisitioners may raise the priority to one of those authorized for F/AD II. Usually, when the priority is raised, the requisition rates a different M&S code.

While the requisitioner has the principal responsibility to monitor, follow-up, and expedite requisitions, there may be instances where the requisitioner is unable to do this. In these instances, assistance can be requested from CINCLANTFLT (for fleet requisitions) or from NOC (for requisitions of a shore activity outside CONUS).

Requisition Changes

When the need arises to change some part of a requisition, there are certain procedures you should follow. These procedures are discussed in the following paragraphs.

PRIORITY, MEDIA AND STATUS CODE, AND RDD CHANGES.- MILSTRIP provides a procedure for changing the priority, Media and Status code, and/or RDD of a requisition when either the F/AD or UND is

changed. To do this, a MILSTRIP modifier document is submitted as follows:

For material to be delivered within CONUS. Use document identifier AMA when the requisition or the latest status contains an NSN. Use AMD when the requisition or latest status contains a DODAC. Use AME when the requisition or latest status contains either an NSN or a DODAC, and contains remarks.

For material to be delivered outside CONUS. Use document identifier AM1 when the requisition or latest status contains an NSN. Use AM4 when the requisition or latest status contains a DODAC. Use AM5 when the requisition or latest status contains either an NSN or a DODAC, and contains remarks.

Enter the new Media and Status code, priority and/or RDD. These are the only data elements of a requisition that can be modified by this procedure. Repeat all other MILSTRIP data as entered on the latest status document received or on the original requisition when no status has been received.

For a requisition held by a weapons station, air station, NOC or NAVMINEGRFAC. Submit the MILSTRIP modifier by DAAS to the holder with an information copy to CINCLANTFLT.

For a requisition held by ARRCOM or an Army ammunition activity. Submit a MILSTRIP modifier by DAAS to NOC with an information copy to CINCLANTFLT. Use routing identifier NCB.

For a requisition held by COMNAVAIRSYS-COM or COMNAVSEASYSCOM. Submit a MILSTRIP modifier by naval message to the holder, Send an information copy to CINCLANTFLT, and use the subject line AMMO MILSTRIP MODIFIER.

ITEM OR QUANTITY CHANGE.- To change the item requisitioned, the requisitioner must cancel the old MILSTRIP requisition and submit a new MILSTRIP for the material desired. To increase the quantity requisitioned, the requisitioner must submit anew requisition for the additional quantity required. To decrease the quantity requisitioned, the requisitioner must submit a MILSTRIP cancellation request only for the quantity no longer required. By doing this, the uncancelled balance remains active and no lead time is lost.

REQUISITION CANCELLATION.- A requisition can be canceled by the requisitioner, the supplementary addressee, or CINCLANTFLT (as monitoring activity) when the requirement for the material no longer exists. The requisition can also be

canceled when the ship is scheduled to deploy before the material is expected to be received, and shipment outside CONUS is not desired.

A MILSTRIP request for cancellation should be prepared by duplicating the latest status or, if no status has been received, the original requisition with the following exceptions:

Use document identifier AC1.

Use the routing identifier of the last known holder of the requisition.

Enter the quantity to be canceled in the quantity field.

Ammunition supply activities that receive a requisition cancellation request are required by MILSTRIP to provide the requisitioner, supplementary addressee, and CINCLANTFLT with either a cancellation confirmation or shipment status (if the material has already been shipped) within 5 days after receipt of the AC1 document.

If confirmation of the cancellation or shipment status is not received within 10 days after submitting the cancellation request, you should take immediate follow-up action. The follow-up document must use document identifier AK1 and be prepared and submitted in the same format as the cancellation request.

Fleet units are required to cancel all outstanding requisitions upon departure for deployment. Shore activities review all outstanding requisitions annually and determine whether the material was received or is still required. Requisitions for material not received and no longer required are canceled. Requisitions must be resubmitted for materials that are still required.

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