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An estimator is a person who evaluates the requirements of a task. A construction estimator must be able to mentally picture the separate operations of the job as the work progresses through the various stages of construction and be able to read and obtain accurate measurements from drawings. The estimator must have an understanding of math, previous construction experience, and a working knowledge of all branches of construction. The estimator must use good judgment when determining what effect numerous factors and conditions have on construction of the project and what allowances should be made for each of them. The estimator must be able to do careful and accurate work. A Seabee estimator must have ready access to information about the material, equipment, and labor required to perform various types of work under conditions encountered in Seabee deployments. The collection of such information on construction performance is part of estimating. Since this kind of reference information may change from time to time, information should be frequently reviewed.


Scheduling is the process of determining when an action must be taken and when material, equipment, and manpower are required. There are four basic types of schedules: progress, material, equipment, and manpower.

Progress schedules coordinate all the projects of a Seabee deployment or all the activities of a single project. They show the sequence, the starting time, the performance time required, and the time required for completion. Material schedules show when the material is needed on the job. They may also show the sequence in which materials should be delivered. Equipment schedules coordinate all the equipment to be used on a project. They also show when it is to be used and the amount of time each piece of equipment is required to perform the work. Manpower schedules coordinate the manpower requirements of a project and show the number of personnel required for each activity. In addition, the number of personnel of each rating (Builder, Construction Electrician, Equipment Operator, Steelworker, and Utilitiesman) required for each activity for each period of time may be shown. The time unit shown in a schedule should be some convenient interval, such as a day, a week, or a month.


Network analysis is a method of planning and controlling projects by recording their interdependence in diagram form. This enables you to undertake each problem separately. The diagram form, known as a network diagram, is drawn so that each job is represented by an activity on the diagram, as shown in figure 9-1. The direction in which the activities are linked indicates the dependencies of the jobs on each other.


Progress control is the comparing of actual progress with scheduled progress and the steps necessary to correct deficiencies or to balance activities to meet overall objectives.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE. Upon completing this section, you should be able to give the documentation requirements necessary in planning a construction project.

There are two basic ground rules in analyzing a project. First, planning and scheduling are separate operations. Second, planning must always precede scheduling. If you don't plan sequentially, you will end up with steps out of sequence and may substantially delay the project. Everyone concerned should know precisely the following aspects of a project:

What it is;

Its start and finish points;

Its external factors, such as the schedule dates and requirements of other trade groups;

Figure 9-1 .-Planning and estimating a precedence diagram.

The availability of resources, such as manpower and equipment; and

What you need to makeup the project planning files.

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