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Preparing the Patient for Transport
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall preparatory, en route, and turnover procedures for patients being transported to medical treatment facilities. Once emergency medical care has been completed on-scene, the patient must be transferred to the medical treatment facility. A process known as packaging provides the means of properly positioning, covering, and securing the patient to avoid any unnecessary aggravation to the patient's condition. (Covering helps maintain the patient's body temperature, prevents exposure to the elements, and provides privacy.) Do not "package" a badly traumatized patient; it is more important to transport the critical or unstable patient to the medical treatment facility quickly. The most important aspect of each rescue or transfer is to complete it as safely and efficiently as possible. Care of Patient en Route
Figure 3-43.-Two-person arm carry (alternate). Do not turn the victim over to anyone without giving a complete account of the situation, especially if a tourniquet was used or medications administered. If possible, while en route, write down the circumstances of the accident, the treatment given, and keep a log of vital signs. After turning the patient over to the medical treatment facility, ensure that depleted ambulance supplies are replaced so that the vehicle is in every way ready to handle another emergency. SUMMARY |