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CHAPTER 16 DECEDENT AFFAIRS PROGRAM The Navy's Decedent Affairs Program consists of search, recovery, identification, care, and disposition of remains of deceased personnel for whom the Department of the Navy is responsible. The Decedent Affairs Program is considered a highly visible and extremely sensitive program. Arrangements for the burial of the deceased should be conducted in an expedient but dignified manner, and survivors of the deceased should be given the greatest possible amount of support and assistance. ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify military activities that are responsible for the management of the Navy and Marine Corps Decedent Affairs Program. The overall manager of the Navy and Marine Corps Decedent Affairs Program is the Naval Office of Medical/Dental (MEDDEN) Affairs, located at Great Lakes, IL. At the local level, naval hospitals and other naval activities are responsible for inspecting remains, briefing escorts and making travel arrangements, and (for burial at sea) delivering remains to the point of embarkation. Naval hospitals manage deaths that occur at the hospital and in their local catchment (area of responsibility) area. At small independent operational units and on board naval vessels, the responsibility for managing the Decedent Affairs Program falls on the commanding officer or officer-in-charge and the senior Hospital Corpsman. For this reason, Hospital Corpsmen should have a working knowledge of decedent affairs procedures, which are outlined in NAVMEDCOMINST 5360.1, Decedent Affairs Manual. PROGRAMS LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall the purpose of the Current Death Program, Graves Registration Program, Concurrent Return Program, Return of Remains Program, and the Casualty Assistance Call Program. To carry out the various responsibilities of the Decedent Affairs Program, five programs have been established. They are the Current Death Program, CURRENT DEATH PROGRAM GRAVES REGISTRATION PROGRAM CONCURRENT RETURN PROGRAM RETURN OF REMAINS PROGRAM CASUALTY ASSISTANCE CALLS PROGRAM The Casualty Assistance Calls Program (CACP) is administered by the Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (COMNAVMILPERSCOM), and the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC). Although integrally related, the CACPis not part of the Decedent Affairs Program. The CACP details a Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (CACO), usually a commissioned officer (although senior enlisted personnel may be used), to personally contact the PNOK. The CACO helps the PNOK and SNOK (secondary next of kin-children over 18, brother, etc.) with problems surrounding the death, and provides information on such matters as disposition of remains, death gratuity and unpaid pay and allowances, settlement of the decedent's estate (wills, bank accounts, property,
savings bonds, commercial insurance,
etc.), The Navy and Marine Corps Casualty Assistance Calls Programs are operated differently. The individual service instructions noted below should be consulted for specifics. NAVPERS 15560, Naval Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN) BUPERSINST 1770.3, The Navy Casualty Assistance Calls Program (CACP)
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