LONG ARM CAST.-The procedure for a long
arm cast is basically the same as for a short arm cast,
except the elbow is maintained in a 90 E
position, the cast begins at the wrist
and ends on the upper arm below the axilla, and the hand is not wrapped.
SHORT LEG CAST.-In applying a short leg
cast, seat the patient on a table with both legs over the
side, flexed at the knee. Instruct the
patient to hold the affected leg, with
the ankle in a neutral position (90 E ).
Make sure that the foot is not rotated medially or
laterally. Beginning at the toes, apply
webril (figs. 2-3A, 2-3B, and 2-3C) in
the same manner as for the short arm
cast, ensuring that there are no lumps or
Figure 2-2.-Applying a short arm cast.
wrinkles. Apply the plaster beginning at the toes (fig.
2-3E), using the same technique of tucks and
folds and smoothing as for the short
arm cast. Before applying the last
layer, expose the toes and fold back the webril.
As the final step, apply a footplate to the plantar
surface of the cast, using a generous
thickness of plaster splints secured
with one or two rolls of plaster (fig.
2-3F). This area provides support to the cast and a
weight-bearing surface when used with a walking
Whenever a cast is applied, you must give the
patient written and verbal instruction for cast care and
circulation checks (i.e., numbness,
cyanosis, tingling of extremities).
Instruct the patient to return
immediately should any of these conditions occur.
When a leg cast is applied, the patient must also receive
instructions in the proper use of crutches.
The cast will take 24 to 48 hours to
completely dry, and it must be treated
gently during this time. Since plaster is
water-soluble, the cast must be protected with a
waterproof covering when bathing or during
wet weather. Nothing must be inserted
down the cast (e.g., coat hangers)
since this action can cause bunching of
the padding and result in pressure sores. If swelling
occurs, the cast may be split and wrapped
with an elastic wrap to alleviate