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Over many years of chemical investigation, scientists have discovered a remarkable feature of the elements. If the elements are arranged in the order of their atomic numbers, the chemical properties of the elements are repeated somewhat regularly. To a lesser extent, the physical properties are also repeated periodically. This periodic repetition can be seen in Table 3. Compare the properties of lithium (Li), sodium (Na), and potassium (K), and also those of beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca). In the list of elements shown in Table 3 the properties are repeated every eighth element.

A table in which elements with similar chemical properties are grouped together is called a periodic table. One of the most common versions is shown in Figure 3. In this table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in succeeding rows. Each horizontal row is called a period. Note that some periods are longer than others. Elements with similar chemical properties appear in vertical columns called groups. Each group is designated by a Roman numeral and a capital letter, except the one on the extreme right-hand side, Group 0 (the inert gases). At the bottom of the periodic table are two long rows of elements identified as the lanthanide series and the actinide series. They are separated from the table primarily to keep it from becoming too wide. Also, the elements within each of these two series show similar chemical properties.

The number directly below each element is its atomic number, and the number above each element is its atomic weight. In several cases the atomic weights are in parentheses. This indicates that these elements have no stable isotopes; that is, they are radioactive. The value enclosed in parentheses and used for the atomic weight is the atomic mass number of the most stable known isotope, as indicated by the longest half-life.

Figure 3 Periodic Table of the Elements


Classes of the Periodic Table

There are three broad classes of elements. These are the metals, the non-metals, and the semi-metals. These three classes are grouped together on the periodic table as shown on Figure 4.

Figure 4 Regional Schematic of Periodic Table


Western Governors University

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