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of Air

Injection of small and large amounts of air into the reactor coolant system was previously analyzed. When sufficient oxygen is added to deplete the hydrogen inventory, acidic pH results in those facilities where high (basic) pH is maintained. This reduction in pH is accompanied by secondary effects to the coolant. The reduced pH causes a change in solubility of the corrosion film on facility materials and results in part of this film being released for transport throughout the coolant system. This release, or crud burst, is detected by an increase in radiation levels of the coolant, increased conductivity, and lowering of the ion exchanger efficiency. Radiation levels increase because corrosion products that had been attached to core surfaces and were highly activated by the neutron flux are transported to other parts of the system.

Conductivity increases because many of the corrosion products are released in an ionic or radical form and are capable of conducting electricity. In the early stages of the introduction of air, conductivity may exhibit erratic behavior because of the relationship of conductivity and pH. As pH begins to fall, conductivity tends to follow, but the presence of suspended corrosion products offsets the theoretical conductivity. The resultant increase is dependent upon the concentration of corrosion products. Additionally, should pH fall below about 7, conductivity increases as pH is further reduced.

Ion exchanger efficiency decreases because the increased crud inventory consists of both particulate and colloidal products. The ion exchanger is only about 90% effective as a filter, as compared to approximately 100% effectiveness as an ion exchanger, so effluent radioactivity levels increase by a greater proportion. Also, crud in the colloidal form has an even lower probability of being removed by ion exchange or filtration than does particulate crud, and again the effluent radioactivity is increased.

Hydrogen and total gas react as expected. Because air contains primarily N2 and O2,the gas inventory in the system increases. Hydrogen levels decrease because of reactions with both O2 and N2.Air also contains approximately 1 % of by volume. When large amounts of air are added to the reactor coolant system, the becomes activated by the neutron flux in the core region and becomes radioactive in the form of , causing an increase in the gaseous activity of the reactor coolant.

Figure 6 illustrates changes to chemistry in an experimental facility that was started up with high oxygen and nitrogen in the system from the deliberate addition of air. As the power level and temperature were increased, nitric acid formed and neutralized the ammonium hydroxide present from previous operation. Conductivity and pH decreased until pH 7 was reached; when the water became acidic the conductivity showed a corresponding increase. With the formation of nitric acid (from the nitrogen present), a corresponding increase in chromate ion was observed (in this case Cr concentrations are directly related to crud inventories and result from chemical attack on facility materials). The process was reversed by adding hydrogen, which combined with the oxygen and reduced the nitrate and chromate ions.

It should be noted, however, that in the above experiment the chromate ions were effectively removed from the coolant by decreasing their solubility. This would not be the case for the majority of the crud. The vast majority of crud would remain suspended in the coolant until it was either removed mechanically (filtered) or settled and redeposited at other locations in the system (including redeposition on the core surfaces).

Figure 6 Facility Start-up With Air in Loop


Western Governors University

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