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Donald H. Andrews and Richard J. Kokes, Fundamental Chemistry,John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1963

Compressed Gas Association, Inc., Handbook of Compressed Gases,2nd Edition, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1981.

R. A. Day, Jr. and R. C. Johnson, General Chemistry,Prentice Hall, Inc., 1974.

Dickerson, Gray, Darensbourg and Darensbourg, Chemical Principles,4th Edition, The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company, 1984.

Academic Program for Nuclear Plant Personnel, Volume II, Chemistry,Columbia, MD, General Physics Corporation, Library of Congress Card #A 326517, 1972.

General Physics Corporation, Fundamentals of Chemistry,General Physics Corporation, 1982.

Glasstone and Sesonske, Nuclear Reactor En in~g,3rd Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1981.

McElroy, Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations Engineering and Technoloy-ry,Volume 2, 8th Edition, National Safety Council, 1980.

Sienko and Plane, Chemical Principles and Properties,2nd Edition, McGraw and Hill, 1974.

Underwood, Chemistry for Colleges and Schools,2nd Edition, Edward Arnold, Ltd., 1967.

Norman V. Steere and Associates, CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety,2nd Edition, CRC Press, Inc., 1971.


1.0 Without references, EXPLAIN the concept and application of ion exchange in water purification.


1.1 LIST the three reasons for removing impurities from water prior to use in reactor systems.

1.2 DEFINE the following terms:

a. Ion exchange e. Polymer

b. Demineralize f. Mixed-bed demineralizer

c. Cation g. Affinity

d. Anion h. Decontamination factor

1.3 DESCRIBE the following:

a. Resin bead

b. Cation resin

c. Anion resin

1.4 DISCUSS the following factors of ion exchange:

a. Relative affinity

b. Decontamination factor

1.5 WRITE the reaction for removal of NaCl and CaSO4 by a mixed-bed ion exchanger such as one containing HOH resin.

1.6 EXPLAIN the three basic methods used to remove dissolved gases from water.

1.7 LIST five filtration mediums used to remove suspended solids from water.

1.8 EXPLAIN how mixed-bed ion exchangers may be used to control pH.

1.9 DISCUSS resin malfunctions, including the following:

a. Channeling b. Breakthrough c. Exhaustion

1.10 LIST the maximum conductivity and approximate concentration of electrolyte for each level of purity for makeup water.


Water normally contains many impurities, among which are trace minerals and chemicals. The need for removing these impurities is discussed in this chapter.

EO 1.1LIST the three reasons for removing impurities from water prior to use in reactor systems.


Western Governors University

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