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Ion exchange is a process used extensively in nuclear facilities to control the purity and pH of water by removing undesirable ions and replacing them with acceptable ones. Specifically, it is the exchange of ions between a solid substance (called a resin) and an aqueous solution (reactor coolant or makeup water). Depending on the identity of the ions that a resin releases to the water, the process may result in purification of water or in control of the concentration of a particular ion in a solution. An ion exchange is the reversible exchange of ions between a liquid and a solid. This process is generally used to remove undesirable ions from a liquid and substitute acceptable ions from the solid (resin).

The devices in which ion exchange occurs are commonly called demineralizers. This name is derived from the term demineralize, which means the process whereby impurities present in the incoming fluid (water) are removed by exchanging impure ions with H+ and OH- ions, resulting in the formation of pure water. H+ and OH- are present on the sites of resin beads contained in the demineralizer tank or column.

There are two general types of ion exchange resins: those that exchange positive ions, called cation resins, and those that exchange negative ions, called anion resins. A cation is an ion with a positive charge. Common cations include Ca++, Mg++, Fe++, and H+. A cation resin is one that exchanges positive ions. An anion is an ion with a negative charge. Common anions include Cl-, SO4--, and OH-. An anion resin is one that exchanges negative ions. Chemically, both types are similar and belong to a group of compounds called polymers, which are extremely large molecules that are formed by the combination of many molecules of one or two compounds in a repeating structure that produces long chains.

A mixed-bed demineralizer is a vessel, usually with a volume of several cubic feet, that contains the resin. Physically, ion exchange resins are formed in the shape of very small beads, called resin beads, with an average diameter of about 0.005 millimeters. Wet resin has the appearance of damp, transparent, amber sand and is insoluble in water, acids, and bases. Retention elements or other suitable devices in the top and bottom have openings smaller than the diameter of the resin beads. The resin itself is a uniform mixture of cation and anion resins in a specific volume ratio depending on their specific gravities. The ratio is normally 2 parts cation resin to 3 parts anion resin.

In some cases, there may be chemical bonds formed between individual chain molecules at various points along the chain. Such polymers are said to be cross-linked. This type of polymer constitutes the basic structure of ion exchange resins. In particular, cross-linked polystyrene is the polymer commonly used in ion exchange resins. However, chemical treatment of polystyrene is required to give it ion exchange capability, and this treatment varies depending on whether the final product is to be an anion resin or a cation resin.

The chemical processes involved in producing anion and cation resins are outlined in Figure 1 and Figure 2, beginning with the formation of cross-linked polystyrene. The polymer itself is a covalent compound. By the chemical reactions indicated in Figure 2, hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to the original polymer at certain sites are replaced by functional groups (called radicals) such as S03H (sulfonic acid) and CH2N(CH3)3C1 (quaternary ammonium). Each such group is covalently bonded to the polymer, but each also contains an atom that is bonded to the radical group by a predominantly ionic bond. In the two examples above, H in S03H and Cl in CH2N(CH3)3C1 are the ionically-bonded atoms. Sometimes these are written as SO3- H+ and CH2N(CH3)3+C1- to emphasize their ionic characters. These ions (H+and Cl-) are replaceable by other ions. That is, H+ will exchange with other cations in a solution, and Cl- will exchange with other anions.

In its final form, an ion exchange resin contains a huge, but finite, number of sites occupied by an exchangeable ion. All of the resin, except the exchangeable ion, is inert in the exchange process. Thus, it is customary to use a notation such as R-Cl or H-R for ion exchange resins. R indicates the inert polymeric base structure and the part of the substituted radical that does not participate in exchange reactions. The term R is inexact because it is used to represent the inert portion of both cation and anion resins, which are slightly different. Also, the structure represented by R contains many sites of exchange, although only one is shown by the notation, such as R-Cl. Despite these drawbacks, the term R is used for simplicity.

Figure 1 Polymerization of Cross-Linked Polystyrene Resins

Figure 2 Production of Anion and Cation forms of Cross-Linked Polystyrene Ion Exchange Resins

A particular resin may be prepared in different forms according to the identity of the exchangeable ion attached. It is usually named according to the ion present on the active sites. For example, the resin represented by R-Cl is said to be the chloride form of the anion resin, or simply the chloride form resin. Other common forms are the ammonium form (NH4-R), hydroxyl form (R-OH), lithium form (Li-R), and hydrogen form (H-R).

The mechanics of the ion exchange process are somewhat complicated, but the essential features can be understood on the basis of equilibrium concepts discussed in Module I and recognition that the strength of the ionic bond between the resin and an ion varies with the particular ion. That is, for a particular resin, different ions experience different attractions to the resin. The term affinity is often used to describe the attraction between a resin and a given ion. This affinity can be described quantitatively by experimental determination of a parameter called the relative affinity coefficient. For a qualitative discussion, it suffices to note the relative affinities between a resin and different ions.

In order of decreasing strength, the relative affinities between a cation resin and various cations are as follows.

Similarly, the relative affinities between an anion resin and various anions are as follows.

The physical arrangement of one type of ion exchange vessel for purifying water is shown in Figure 3. The ion exchange resin is contained in a vessel with a volume of several cubic feet. Retention elements at the top and bottom consist of screens, slotted cylinders, or other suitable devices with openings smaller than the resin beads to prevent the resin from escaping from the vessel. The resin bed is a uniform mixture of cation and anion resins in a volume ratio of 2 parts cation resin to 3 parts anion resin. This arrangement is called a mixed-bed resin, as opposed to an arrangement of cation and anion resins in discrete layers or separate vessels. The use of different volumes of the two types of resins is due to the difference in exchange capacity between cation and anion resins. Exchange capacity is the amount of impurity that a given amount of resin is capable of removing, and it has units of moles/ml, equivalents/ml, or moles/gm. The anion resin is less dense than the cation resin; thus, it has a smaller exchange capacity, and a larger volume is needed for anion resins than for the cation resins to obtain equal total exchange capabilities.

Figure 3 Schematic Diagram of a Typical Ion Exchanger

Because of the different densities of anion and cation resins, the flow of solution (impure water) is from top to bottom. If the flow were reversed, the lighter anion resin would gradually rise to the top by a process called classification, resulting in a layer of anion resin on top of the cation resin, as shown in Figure 3. In the example shown, the layering results from regeneration and/or backwash. In systems not using a backwash, the anion and cation resin beads are uniformly mixed. Many systems use a backwash procedure, if the resins are regenerated, to remove solids collected by filtration and to separate the resins for regeneration. They are remixed after regeneration.

For fixed amounts of anion and cation resins, the efficiency for removal of impurities is greater in a mixed-bed resin than a layered arrangement. The main reason is that for layered resins there may be large pH gradients within the column of resin. If, for example, the hydroxyl form resin is on top, as solution passes through it anionic impurities are removed and replaced by OR ions; thus, the pH increases. This increase in pH may decrease the efficiency in lower portions of the resin bed for removing impurities. It may also cause some impurities to precipitate because solubility changes with pH. The resin column will filter some undissolved material, but the efficiency for filtration is usually significantly less than that for removal by ion exchange. Thus, the overall efficiency is less than in a mixed-bed resin.

The capacity of ion exchange resins to remove impurity ions is given in Table 2 along with other information on resins. For instance, each cubic foot of a mixed-bed resin is capable of exchanging with 19.8 moles each of monovalent cations and anions. Mixed-bed resins are available commercially and in practical applications several cubic feet are used in a purification system.

The ion exchange process is reversible. If too much solution is passed through the ion exchanger (that is, the capacity of the resin has been exceeded) the exchange may reverse, and undesirable ions or other substances that were previously removed, will be returned to the solution at the effluent. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically monitor the performance of the ion exchanger and either replace or regenerate the resin when indicated. Ion exchanger performance is measured by comparing the solution concentration, conductivity, or radioactivity at the influent and effluent. The parameter measured depends upon the purpose of the ion exchanger. The term normally applied to ion exchanger effectiveness is decontamination factor (DF), which is defined as a ratio of the concentration (or activity) of the fluid at the inlet compared to the concentration (or activity) at the effluent, which expresses the effectiveness of an ion exchange process.

Example 1:

An ion exchanger influent contains 15 ppm chloride (Cl). Effluent chloride is measured at 0.1 ppm. What is the DF of this ion exchanger?


Example 2:

Reactor coolant activity entering the purification ion exchanger equals 2.8 x 10-2 PCi/ml gross activity. Ion exchanger effluent activity taken at the same time and conditions is measured at . What is the DF?


Resin performance may be monitored using a history curve that plots DF with respect to time. A typical history curve is shown in Figure 4, with the resin considered "exhausted" at point X.

Figure 4 Typical History Curve


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