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When there is a remainder in division, the remainder may be written as a fraction or rounded off. When rounding off, the following rules should be applied:

Step 1:Observe the digit to the right of the digit being rounded off.

Step 2:If it is less than 5, drop the digit.

If the digit is 5 or higher, add 1 to the digit being rounded off.

Step 3:Write the new rounded number.


Round off the following number to two decimal places. 3.473


Step 1:3 is the number to the right of the 2nd decimal place.

Step 2:3 is less than 5, so drop the digit.

Step 3:3.47 is the number rounded to two decimal places.


Round off the following number to two decimal places. 6.238


Step 1:8 is the number to the right of the 2nd decimal place.

Step 2:8 is greater than 5, so drop the 8 and add one to the number in the second decimal place (3 + 1 = 4).

Step 3:6.24 is the number rounded to two decimal places.


Round off the following number to two decimal places. 6.2385


Step 1:8 is the number to the right of the 2nd decimal place.

Step 2:8 is greater than 5, so drop the 8 and add one to number in the second decimal place (3 + 1 = 4).

Step 3:6.24 is the number rounded to two decimal places.


Round off the following number to three decimal places. 6.2385


Step 1:5 is the number to the right of the 3rd decimal place.

Step 2:5 is equal to 5, so drop the 5 and add one to the number in the third decimal place (8 + 1 = 9).

Step 3:6.239 is the number rounded to three decimal places.


Divide 2.25 by 6 and round off the answer to 1 decimal place.


Step 1:7 is the number to the right of the l" decimal place.

Step 2:7 is greater than 5, so drop the 7 and add one to the number in the first decimal place (3 + 1 = 4).

Step 3:0.4 is .375 rounded to 1 decimal place.


The important information from this chapter is summarized below.

Decimals Summary

When using the decimal process:

Convert fractions to decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

Convert decimals to fractions by writing the decimal in fraction format and reducing.

Align decimal points when adding or subtracting decimals.

Before dividing decimals, move the decimal in the divisor and dividend to the right by the same number of places.

When rounding, numbers less than 5 are dropped, and numbers 5 or greater increase the number immediately to the left by one.

Western Governors University

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