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Dolciani, Mary P., et al., Algebra Structure and Method Book 1,Atlanta: HoughtonMifflin, 1979.

Naval Education and Training Command, Mathematics,Volume 1, NAVEDTRA 10069D1, Washington, D.C.: Naval Education and Training Program Development Center, 1985.

Science and Fundamental Engineering,Windsor, CT: Combustion Engineering, Inc., 1985.

Academic Program For Nuclear Power Plant Personnel,Volume 1, Columbia, MD: General Physics Corporation, Library of Congress Card #A 326517, 1982.


1.0 Given a calculator and a list of formulas, APPLY the laws of algebra to solve for unknown values.


1.1 Given an equation, DETERMINE the governing algebraic law from the following:

a. Commutative law

b. Associative law

c. Distributive law

1.2 SOLVE for the unknown given a linear equation.

1.3 APPLY the quadratic formula to solve for an unknown.

1.4 Given simultaneous equations, SOLVE for the unknowns.

1.5 Given a word problem, WRITE equations and SOLVE for the unknown.

1.6 STATE the definition of a logarithm.

1.7 CALCULATE the logarithm of a number.

1.8 STATE the definition of the following terms: a. Ordinate

b. Abscissa

1.9 Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on a cartesian coordinate graph.

1.10 Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on a logarithmic coordinate graph.

1.11 Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on the appropriate graphing system to obtain the specified curve.

1.12 OBTAIN data from a given graph.

1.13 Given the data, SOLVE for the unknown using a nomograph.

1.14 STATE the definition of the following terms: a. Slope

b. Intercept

1.15 Given the equation, CALCULATE the slope of a line.

1.16 Given the graph, DETERMINE the slope of a line.

1.17 Given a graph, SOLVE for the unknown using extrapolation.

1.18 Given a graph, SOLVE for the unknown using interpolation.


This chapter covers the laws used for solving algebraic equations.

EO1.1 Given an equation, DETERMINE the governing algebraic law from the following:

a. Commutative law

b. Associative law

c. Distributive law

Most of the work in basic mathematics completed by DOE facility personnel involves real numbers, as mentioned in the last section. As a result, one should be very familiar with the basic laws that govern the use of real numbers. Most of these laws are covered under the general area called Algebra.

Western Governors University

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