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REFERENCES Dolciani, Mary P., et al., Algebra Structure and Method Book 1,Atlanta: HoughtonMifflin, 1979. Naval Education and Training Command, Mathematics,Volume 1, NAVEDTRA 10069D1, Washington, D.C.: Naval Education and Training Program Development Center, 1985. Science and Fundamental Engineering,Windsor, CT: Combustion Engineering, Inc., 1985. Academic Program For Nuclear Power Plant Personnel,Volume 1, Columbia, MD: General Physics Corporation, Library of Congress Card #A 326517, 1982. TERMINAL OBJECTIVE 1.0 Given a calculator and a list of formulas, APPLY the laws of algebra to solve for unknown values. ENABLING OBJECTIVES 1.1 Given an equation, DETERMINE the governing algebraic law from the following: a. Commutative law b. Associative law c. Distributive law 1.2 SOLVE for the unknown given a linear equation. 1.3 APPLY the quadratic formula to solve for an unknown. 1.4 Given simultaneous equations, SOLVE for the unknowns. 1.5 Given a word problem, WRITE equations and SOLVE for the unknown. 1.6 STATE the definition of a logarithm. 1.7 CALCULATE the logarithm of a number. 1.8 STATE the definition of the following terms: a. Ordinate b. Abscissa 1.9 Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on a cartesian coordinate graph. 1.10 Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on a logarithmic coordinate graph. 1.11 Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on the appropriate graphing system to obtain the specified curve. 1.12 OBTAIN data from a given graph. 1.13 Given the data, SOLVE for the unknown using a nomograph. 1.14 STATE the definition of the following terms: a. Slope b. Intercept 1.15 Given the equation, CALCULATE the slope of a line. 1.16 Given the graph, DETERMINE the slope of a line. 1.17 Given a graph, SOLVE for the unknown using extrapolation. 1.18 Given a graph, SOLVE for the unknown using interpolation. This chapter covers the laws used for solving algebraic equations. EO1.1 Given an equation, DETERMINE the governing algebraic law from the following: a. Commutative law b. Associative law c. Distributive law Most of the work in basic mathematics completed by DOE facility personnel involves real numbers, as mentioned in the last section. As a result, one should be very familiar with the basic laws that govern the use of real numbers. Most of these laws are covered under the general area called Algebra.