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Mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are usually performed in a certain order or sequence. Typically, multiplication and division operations are done prior to addition and subtraction operations. In addition, mathematical operations are also generally performed from left to right using this heirarchy. The use of parentheses is also common to set apart operations that should be performed in a particular sequence.


Perform the following mathematical operations to solve for the correct answer:


a. Mathematical operations are typically performed going from left to right within an equation and within sets of parentheses.

b. Perform all math operations within the sets of parentheses first.

c. Perform all math operations outside of the parentheses. In this case, add from left to right.



Solve the following equation:


a. Perform math operations inside each set of parentheses.

b. Perform addition and subtraction operations from left to right.

c. The final answer is 2 + 12 - 2 - 6 = 6

There may be cases where several operations will be performed within multiple sets of parentheses. In these cases you must perform all operations within the innermost set of parentheses and work outward. You must continue to observe the hierarchical rules through out the problem. Additional sets of parentheses may be indicated by brackets, [ ].


The important information from this chapter is summarized below.

Four Basic Arithmetic Operations Summary

This chapter reviewed using whole numbers to perform the operations of:





While this chapter discussed the commutative and associative laws for whole numbers, it should be noted that these laws will also apply to the other types of numbers discussed in later chapters and modules of this course.

Western Governors University

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