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and Fast Breeder Reactor Neutron Spectra

The spectrum of neutron energies produced by fission varies significantly from the energy spectrum, or flux, existing in a reactor at a given time. Figure 3 illustrates the difference in neutron flux spectra between a thermal reactor and a fast breeder reactor. The energy distribution of neutrons from fission is essentially the same for both reactors, so the differences in the curve shapes may be attributed to the neutron moderation or slowing down effects.

Figure 3 Comparison of Neutron Flux Spectra for Thermal and Fast Breeder Reactor

No attempt is made to thermalize or slow down neutrons in the fast breeder reactor (liquid metal cooled); therefore, an insignificant number of neutrons exist in the thermal range. For the thermal reactor (water moderated), the spectrum of neutrons in the fast region (> 0.1 MeV) has a shape similar to that for the spectrum of neutrons emitted by the fission process.

In the thermal reactor, the flux in the intermediate energy region (1 eV to 0.1 MeV) has approximately a 1/E dependence. That is, if the energy (E) is halved, the flux doubles. This 1/E dependence is caused by the slowing down process, where elastic collisions remove a constant fraction of the neutron energy per collision (on the average), independent of energy; thus, the neutron loses larger amounts of energy per collision at higher energies than at lower energies. The fact that the neutrons lose a constant fraction of energy per collision causes the neutrons to tend to "pile up" at lower energies, that is, a greater number of neutrons exist at the lower energies as a result of this behavior.

In the thermal region the neutrons achieve a thermal equilibrium with the atoms of the moderator material. In any given collision they may gain or lose energy, and over successive collisions will gain as much energy as they lose. These thermal neutrons, even at a specific temperature, do not all have the same energy or velocity; there is a distribution of energies, usually referred to as the Maxwell distribution (e.g., Figure 2). The energies of most thermal neutrons lie close to the most probable energy, but there is a spread of neutrons above and below this value.

Western Governors University

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