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AND REACTOR THEORY Module 3 Reactor Theory


Foster, Arthur R. and Wright, Robert L. Jr., Basic Nuclear Engineering, 3rd Edition, Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1977.

Jacobs, A.M., Kline, D.E., and Remick, F.J., Basic Principles of Nuclear Science and Reactors,Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1960.

Kaplan, Irving, Nuclear Physics,2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley Company, 1962.

Knief, Ronald Allen, Nuclear Energy Technology: Theory and Practice of Commercial Nuclear Power,McGraw-Hill, 1981.

Lamarsh, John R., Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Addison-Wesley Company, 1977.

Lamarsh, John R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory,Addison-Wesley Company, 1972.

General Electric Company, Nuclides and Isotopes: Chart of the Nuclides,14th Edition, General Electric Company, 1989.

Academic Program for Nuclear Power Plant Personnel,Volume III, Columbia, MD, General Physics Corporation, Library of Congress Card #A 326517, 1982.

Glasstone, Samuel, Sourcebook on Atomic Energy,Robert F. Krieger Publishing Company, Inc., 1979.

Glasstone, Samuel and Sesonske, Alexander, Nuclear Reactor En ineering,3rd Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1981.


1.0 Using appropriate references, DESCRIBE the neutron life cycle discussed in this module.


1.1 DEFINE the following terms:

a. Infinite multiplication factor, k

b. Effective multiplication factor, keff ,

c. Subcritical

d. Critical

e. Supercritical

1.2 DEFINE each term in the six factor formula using the ratio of the number of neutrons present at different points in the neutron life cycle.

1.3 Given the macroscopic cross sections for various materials, CALCULATE the thermal utilization factor.

1.4 Given microscopic cross sections for absorption and fission, atom density, and v, CALCULATE the reproduction factor.

1.5 Given the numbers of neutrons present at the start of a generation and values for each factor in the six factor formula, CALCULATE the number of neutrons that will be present at any point in the life cycle.

1.6 LIST physical changes in the reactor core that will have an effect on the thermal utilization factor, reproduction factor, or resonance escape probability.

1.7 EXPLAIN the effect that temperature changes will have on the following factors:

a. Thermal utilization factor

b. Resonance escape probability

c. Fast non-leakage probability

d. Thermal non-leakage probability

1.8 Given the number of neutrons in a reactor core and the effective multiplication factor, CALCULATE the number of neutrons present after any number of generations.

1.9 DEFINE the term reactivity.

1.10 CONVERT between reactivity and the associated value of keff .

1.11 CONVERT measures of reactivity between the following units:

1.12 EXPLAIN the relationship between reactivity coefficients and reactivity defects.


2.0 From memory, EXPLAIN how reactivity varies with the thermodynamic properties of the moderator and the fuel.


2.1 EXPLAIN the conditions of over moderation and under moderation.

2.2 EXPLAIN why many reactors are designed to be operated in an under moderated condition.

2.3 STATE the effect that a change in moderator temperature will have on the moderator to fuel ratio.

2.4 DEFINE the temperature coefficient of reactivity.

2.5 EXPLAIN why a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity is desirable.

2.6 EXPLAIN why the fuel temperature coefficient is more effective than the moderator temperature coefficient in terminating a rapid power rise.

2.7 EXPLAIN the concept of Doppler broadening of resonance absorption peaks.

2.8 LIST two nuclides that are present in some types of reactor fuel assemblies that have significant resonance absorption peaks.

2.9 DEFINE the pressure coefficient of reactivity.

2.10 EXPLAIN why the pressure coefficient of reactivity is usually negligible in a reactor cooled and moderated by a subcooled liquid.

2.11 DEFINE the void coefficient of reactivity.

2.12 IDENTIFY the moderator conditions under which the void coefficient of reactivity becomes significant.


3.0 Without references, DESCRIBE the use of neutron poisons.


3.1 DEFINE the following terms:

a. Burnable poison

b. Non-burnable poison

c. Chemical shim

3.2 EXPLAIN the use of burnable neutron poisons in a reactor core.

3.3 LIST the advantages and disadvantages of chemical shim over fixed burnable poisons.

3.4 STATE two reasons why fixed non-burnable neutron poisons are used in reactor cores.

3.5 STATE an example of a material used as a fixed non-burnable neutron poison.


4.0 Without references, DESCRIBE the effects of fission product poisons on a reactor.


4.1 LIST two methods of production and two methods of removal for xenon-135 during reactor operation.

4.2 STATE the equation for equilibrium xenon-135 concentration.

4.3 DESCRIBE how equilibrium xenon-135 concentration varies with reactor power level.

4.4 DESCRIBE the causes and effects of a xenon oscillation.

4.5 DESCRIBE how xenon-135 concentration changes following a reactor shutdown from steady-state conditions.

4.6 EXPLAIN the effect that pre-shutdown power levels have on the xenon-135 concentration after shutdown.

4.7 STATE the approximate time following a reactor shutdown at which the reactor can be considered "xenon free."

4.8 EXPLAIN what is meant by the following terms:

a. Xenon precluded startup

b. Xenon dead time

4.9 DESCRIBE how xenon-135 concentration changes following an increase or a decrease in the power level of a reactor.

4.10 DESCRIBE how samarium-149 is produced and removed from the reactor core during reactor operation.

4.11 STATE the equation for equilibrium samarium-149 concentration.

4.12 DESCRIBE how equilibrium samarium-149 concentration varies with reactor power level.

4.13 DESCRIBE how samarium-149 concentration changes following a reactor shutdown from steady-state conditions.

4.14 DESCRIBE how samarium-149 concentration changes following a reactor startup.

4.15 STATE the conditions under which helium-3 will have a significant effect on the reactivity of a reactor.


5.0 Without references, DESCRIBE how control rods affect the reactor core.


5.1 DESCRIBE the difference between a "grey" neutron absorbing material and a "black" neutron absorbing material.

5.2 EXPLAIN why a "grey" neutron absorbing material may be preferable to a "black" neutron absorbing material for use in control rods.

5.3 EXPLAIN why resonance absorbers are sometimes preferred over thermal absorbers as a control rod material.

5.4 DEFINE the following terms:

a. Integral control rod worth

b. Differential control rod worth

5.5 DESCRIBE the shape of a typical differential control rod worth curve and explain the reason for the shape.

5.6 DESCRIBE the shape of a typical integral control rod worth curve and explain the reason for the shape.

5.7 Given an integral or differential control rod worth curve, CALCULATE the reactivity change due to a control rod movement between two positions.

5.8 Given differential control rod worth data, PLOT differential and integral control rod worth curves.

Western Governors University

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