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Temperature Coefficient

The change in reactivity per degree change in temperature is called the temperature coefficient of reactivity. Because different materials in the reactor have different reactivity changes with temperature and the various materials are at different temperatures during reactor operation, several different temperature coefficients are used. Usually, the two dominant temperature coefficients are the moderator temperature coefficient and the fuel temperature coefficient.

The change in reactivity per degree change in moderator temperature is called the moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity. The magnitude and sign (+ or -) of the moderator temperature coefficient is primarily a function of the moderator-to-fuel ratio. If a reactor is under moderated, it will have a negative moderator temperature coefficient. If a reactor is over moderated, it will have a positive moderator temperature coefficient. A negative moderator temperature coefficient is desirable because of its self-regulating effect. For example, an increase in reactivity causes the reactor to produce more power. This raises the temperature of the core and adds negative reactivity, which slows down, or turns, the power rise.

Fuel Temperature Coefficient

Another temperature coefficient of reactivity, the fuel temperature coefficient, has a greater effect than the moderator temperature coefficient for some reactors. The fuel temperature coefficient is the change in reactivity per degree change in fuel temperature. This coefficient is also called the "prompt" temperature coefficient because an increase in reactor power causes an immediate change in fuel temperature. A negative fuel temperature coefficient is generally considered to be even more important than a negative moderator temperature coefficient because fuel temperature immediately increases following an increase in reactor power. The time for heat to be transferred to the moderator is measured in seconds. In the event of a large positive reactivity insertion, the moderator temperature cannot turn the power rise for several seconds, whereas the fuel temperature coefficient starts adding negative reactivity immediately.

Another name applied to the fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity is the fuel doppler reactivity coefficient. This name is applied because in typical low enrichment, light watermoderated, thermal reactors the fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity is negative and is the result of the doppler effect, also called doppler broadening. The phenomenon of the doppler effect is caused by an apparent broadening of the resonances due to thermal motion of nuclei as illustrated in Figure 3. Stationary nuclei absorb only neutrons of energy Eo. If the nucleus is moving away from the neutron, the velocity (and energy) of the neutron must be greater than Eo to undergo resonance absorption. Likewise, if the nucleus is moving toward the neutron, the neutron needs less energy than Eo to be absorbed. Raising the temperature causes the nuclei to vibrate more rapidly within their lattice structures, effectively broadening the energy range of neutrons that may be resonantly absorbed in the fuel. Two nuclides present in large amounts in the fuel of some reactors with large resonant peaks that dominate the doppler effect are uranium-238 and plutonium-240.

Figure 3 Effect of Fuel Temperature on Resonance Absorption Peaks

Pressure Coefficient

The reactivity in a reactor core can be affected by the system pressure. The pressure coefficient of reactivity is defined as the change in reactivity per unit change in pressure. The pressure coefficient of reactivity for the reactor is the result of the effect of pressure on the density of the moderator. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as the moderator density reactivity coefficient. As pressure increases, density correspondingly increases, which increases the moderator-to-fuel ratio in the core. In the typical under moderated core the increase in the moderator-to-fuel ratio will result in a positive reactivity addition. In reactors that use water as a moderator, the absolute value of the pressure reactivity coefficient is seldom a major factor because it is very small compared to the moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity.

Void Coefficient

In systems with boiling conditions, such as boiling water reactors (BWR), the pressure coefficient becomes an important factor due to the larger density changes that occur when the vapor phase of water undergoes a pressure change. Of prime importance during operation of a BWR, and a factor in some other water-moderated reactors, is the void coefficient. The void coefficient is caused by the formation of steam voids in the moderator. The void coefficient of reactivity is defined as the change in reactivity per percent change in void volume. As the reactor power is raised to the point where the steam voids start to form, voids displace moderator from the coolant channels within the core. This displacement reduces the moderator-to-fuel ratio, and in an under moderated core, results in a negative reactivity addition, thereby limiting reactor power rise. The void coefficient is significant in water-moderated reactors that operate at or near saturated conditions.


The important information in this chapter is summarized below.

Reactivity Coefficients Summary

The temperature coefficient of reactivity is the change in reactivity per degree change in temperature.

A reactor is under moderated when a decrease in the moderator-to-fuel ratio decreases keff due to the increased resonance absorption. A reactor is over moderated when an increase in the moderator-to-fuel ratio decreases keff due to the decrease in the thermal utilization factor.

Reactors are usually designed to operate in an under moderated condition so that the moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity is negative.

Increasing the moderator temperature will decrease the moderator-to-fuel ratio. Decreasing the moderator temperature will increase the moderator-to-fuel ratio.

A negative temperature coefficient of reactivity is desirable because it makes the reactor more self-regulating. An increase in power, resulting in an increase in temperature, results in negative reactivity addition due to the temperature coefficient. The negative reactivity addition due to the temperature increase will slow or stop the power increase.

The fuel temperature coefficient is more effective than the moderator temperature coefficient in terminating a rapid power rise because the fuel temperature immediately increases following a power increase, while the moderator temperature does not increase for several seconds.

The Doppler broadening of resonance peaks occurs because the nuclei may be moving either toward or away from the neutron at the time of interaction. Therefore, the neutron may actually have either slightly more or slightly less than the resonant energy, but still appear to be at resonant energy relative to the nucleus.

Uranium-238 and plutonium-240 are two nuclides present in some reactor fuels that have large resonance absorption peaks.

The pressure coefficient of reactivity is the change in reactivity per unit change in pressure.

The pressure coefficient of reactivity is usually negligible in reactors moderated by subcooled liquids because the density of the liquid does not change significantly within the operating pressure range.

The void coefficient of reactivity is the change in reactivity per unit change in void volume.

The void coefficient of reactivity becomes significant in a reactor in which the moderator is at or near saturated conditions.

Western Governors University

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