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Beiser, Arthur, Applied Physics Schaums Outline Series,McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1976.

Murray, Raymond and Cobb, Grover, Physics Concepts and Consequences,Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970.

Alexander, Joseph, et al., Physics for Engineering Technology,John Wiley and Sons, 1978.

Sears, Francis and Zemansky, Mark, University Physics,3rd edition, AddisonWesley Publishing Co.

Science and Fundamental Engineering (SAFE). Classical Physics,"Measure" Windsor, CT: Combustion Engineering, Inc., 1988.

Academic Program for Nuclear Power Plant Personnel,Volume II, General Physics Corporation, Library of Congress Card #A 397747, April 1982.


1.0 Using vectors, DETERMINE the net force acting on an object.


1.1 DEFINE the following as they relate to vectors:

a. Scalar quantity

b. Vector quantity

c. Vector component d. Resultant

1.2 DETERMINE components of a vector from a resultant vector.

1.3 ADD vectors using the following methods: a. Graphical

b. Component addition c. Analytical


Scalars are quantities that have magnitude only; they are independent of direction. Vectors have both magnitude and direction. The length of a vector represents magnitude. The arrow shows direction.

EO 1.1DEFINE the following as they relate to vectors:

a. Scalar quantity

b. Vector quantity

Scalar Quantities

Most of the physical quantities encountered in physics are either scalar or vector quantities. A scalar quantity is defined as a quantity that has magnitude only. Typical examples of scalar quantities are time, speed, temperature, and volume. A scalar quantity or parameter has no directional component, only magnitude. For example, the units for time (minutes, days, hours, etc.) represent an amount of time only and tell nothing of direction. Additional examples of scalar quantities are density, mass, and energy.

Western Governors University

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