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Solution by Laws of Cosines

Suppose you know two sides of a triangle and the angle between the two sides. You cannot solve this triangle by the law of sines, since you do not know the length of the side opposite the known angle or the size of an angle opposite one of the known sides. In a case of this kind you must begin by solving for the third side by applying the law of cosines. The law of cosines is explained and proved in chapter 5 of NAVPERS 10071-B. If you are solving for a side on the basis of two known sides and the known included angle, the law of cosines states that in any triangle the square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides minus twice the product of these two sides multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them. This statement may be expressed in formula form as follows:

For the triangle shown in figure 1-25, you know that side c measures 10.01 ft; side b, 12.00 ft; and angle A (included between them), 4124'. The cosine of 4124' is 0.75011. The solution for side a is as follows:

Figure 1-25.-Oblique triangle (law of cosines).

Knowing the length of this side, you can now solve for the remaining values by applying the law of sines.

If you know all three sides of a triangle, but none of the angles, you can determine the size of any angle by the law of cosines, using the follow-ing formulas:

For the triangle shown in figure 1-26, you know all three sides but none of the angles. The solution for angle A is as follows:

The angle with cosine 0.75008 measures (to the nearest minute) 4124.

Western Governors University

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