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Engineering science would not be so precise as it is today if it did not make use of systems of measurement. In fieldwork, drafting, office computation, scheduling, and quality control, it is important to be able to measure accurately the magnitudes of the various variables necessary for engineering computations, such as directions, distances, materials, work, passage of time, and many other things.

The art of measuring is fundamental in all fields of engineering and even in our daily lives. We are familiar, for instance, with "gallons," which determines the amount of gasoline we put in our car and with "miles," which tells us the distance we have to drive to and from work. It is also interesting to note that the development of most of these standard units of measure parallels the development of civilization itself, for there has always been a need for measurement. In the early days, people used night and day and

the cycle of the four seasons as their measure of time. The units of linear measure were initially adopted as comparison to the dimensions of various parts of a mans body. For example, a "digit" was at that time the width of a mans middle finger, and a "palm" was the breadth of an open hand. The same applies to most other units of linear measure that we know todaylike the "foot," the "pace," and the "fathom." The only difference between todays units of measure and those of olden days is that those of today are standardized. It is with the standard types of measurements that we are concerned in this training manual.

At present, two units of measurement are used throughout the world. They are the English system and the metric system, Many nations use the metric system.

The metric system is the most practical method of measurement, for it is based on the decimal system, in which units differ in size by multiples of tens, like the U.S. monetary system in which 10 mills equal 1 cent; 100 mills or 10 cents equal 1 dime; and 1,000 mills, 100 cents, or 10 dimes equal one dollar. When we perform computations with multiples of 10, it is convenient to use an exponential method of expression as you may recall from your study of mathematics.

Table 1-1.-Linear Conversion Factors

A unit of measurement is simply an arbitrary length, area, or volume, generally adopted and agreed upon as a standard unit of measurement. The basic standard for linear measurement, for example, is the meter, and the actual length of a meter is, in the last analysis, equal to the length of a bar of metal called the International Meter Bar, one replica of which is kept in the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. As an EA, you will not necessarily be working with all the units described in this chapter, and therefore need not attempt to memorize them all. Many are included simply to show that units are arbitrary and that there are many different kinds of units in use.

Western Governors University

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