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Range Pole

A range pole (also called a lining rod) is a wood or metal pole, usually about 8 ft long and about 1/2 to 1 in. in diameter; it is provided with a steel point or shoe and painted in alternate bands of red and white to increase its visibility. Figure 11-39 shows a variety of range poles. The range pole is held vertically on a point or plumbed over a point, so the point may be observed through an optical instrument. It is primarily used as a sighting rod for either linear or angular measurements. For work of ordinary precision, chainmen may keep on line by observing a range pole. A range pole may also be used for approximate stadia measurement.

Plumb Bob, Cord, and Target

A plumb bob is a pointed, tapered brass or bronze weight that is suspended from a cord for the general purpose of determining the plumb line from a point on the ground. Common weights for

Figure 11-39.-Range poles.

Figure 11-41.-Plumb bob, cord, and target.

plumb bobs are 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 24 OZ; the 12- and the 16-oz are the most popular. Typical plumb bobs are shown in figure 11-40. A plumb bob is a precision instrument and must be cared for as such. If the tip becomes bent, the cord from which the bob is suspended will not occupy the true plumb line over the point indicated by the tip. A plumb bob usually has a detachable tip, as shown in figure 11-40, so if the tip becomes damaged, it can be renewed without replacing the entire instrument.

Each survey party member should be equipped with a leather sheath, and the bob should be placed in the sheath whenever it is not in use. The cord from a plumb bob can be made more conspicuous for observation purposes by the attachment of an oval form aluminum target (fig. 11-41, view A). The oval target has reinforced edges, and the face is enameled in quadrants alternately with red and white. Also, a flat rectangular plastic target may be used (fig. 11-41, view B). It has rounded corners with alternate red and white quadrants on its face. These plumb bob string targets are pocket size with approximate dimensions of 2 by 4 in.

Western Governors University

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