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Recording Files

A record of each drawing should be kept on an INDEX CARD in a suitable file drawer. A card similar to that shown in figure 16-8 may be used. A brief description of the information to be entered in each of the numbered spaces shown on this card is as follows:

1 The standard subject identification code (numerical and/or name title). These classification codes are prescribed in the Department of the Navy office and in your technical library. The classification systems in this manual are designed to meet the needs of the entire Department of the Navy for a single, standard subject scheme to be used in numbering, arranging, filing, and referencing various types of Navy and Marine Corps documents by subject.

The Subject Identification Codes System is generally used by large shore activities, such as public works departments, Naval Construction Battalion Centers, or regimental headquarters. For smaller mobile units, such as an NMCB, the drafting room supervisor, the quality control (QC) staff, and EAs assigned to various detachments may devise their own indexing systems for field drawings according to the volume of records handled by the unit.

2 The agency drawing number (NAV-FACENGCOM DWG No.).

3 The title of the drawing, taken from the title block.

4 Cross-index References to any corre-spondence or data that may be on file relating to the drawing.

5 Number of the agency letter, if any, that was forwarded with the drawing.

6 and 7 The number and name of the A & E firm, contractor, naval shipyard, or other agency that actually made the drawings.

8 Applicable unit or vessel. Again, if a separate folder or drawer file is maintained for each project, a notation must be placed in the folder as to where to find the drawings related to that project. The project number will appear in the cross-index block 4 of the index card. You may, however, modify your index card to accommodate additional information or to suit the requirements in your unit.

Figure 16-8 Sample of a drawing file index card

Western Governors University

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