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EAs assigned to the soils laboratory are tasked with performing tests on such items as subbase materials, aggregates, and concrete and bituminous mixes to determine if these materials meet specified quality requirements. You, as an EA3, may be tasked to perform some of these tests together with a more experienced EA. Chapter 15 of this book can serve as a guide for a review of some of the tests commonly performed by an EA3.

As you gain experience in testing different types of materials used in construction, you may be tasked to work with the quality control section of the operations department. EAs assigned to the material testing section work closely with the QC staff in several areas, such as in testing materials to ensure that their inherent character meets minimum requirements; interpreting results of tests conducted on soil, concrete, and asphalt; and preparing reports of the tests performed by the testing section.


To get ahead, you, as an EA3, must meet certain requirements that have been prescribed for your paygrade and rating. These requirements are referred to as standards. Since these standards deal with the technical or occupational subject matter of each rating, they are called occupational standards. Occupational standards may be found in the NAVEDTRA 71365 (fig. 16-9).

In addition to the occupational standards prescribed for each rating, there are certain military requirements to be met. The military requirements for advancement are discussed briefly later in this chapter and are discussed in detail in special training manuals prepared to cover the military requirements for advancement.

Figure 16-9.-Cover page of Advancement Handbook for Petty Officers (EA), NAVEDTRA 71365.

These military requirements are called naval standards. The advantages of developing your career and getting ahead are not yours alone. The Navy also profits. Highly trained personnel are essential to the functioning of the Navy. By each advance-ment, you increase your value to the Navy in two ways. First, you become more valuable as a specialist in your own rating. And second, you become more valuable as a person who can train others and thus make far-reaching contributions to the entire Navy.

Many of the rewards of the Navy life are earned through the advancement system. The basic ideas behind the system have remained stable for years, but specific portions may change rather rapidly. It is important that you know the system and follow the changes carefully. One handbook that will normally keep you up to date regarding the basic advancement requirements is the Advancement Handbook for Petty Officers, NAVEDTRA 71365. The handbook outlines the Navy Advancement System in general and provides you with information about advancement paths, eligibility requirements for advancement, professional development, exams, and exam scoring. It contains naval and occupational standards with their supporting bibliographies and also personnel advancement requirements (PARS) certification.

One of the most useful things you can learn about a subject is how to find out more about it. No single publication can give you all the information you need to perform the duties and responsibilities of the EA rating. You should learn where to look for accurate, authoritative, up-to-date information on all subjects related to the naval and occupational standards of your rating.

Some publications are subject to change or revision from time to timesome at regular intervals, others as the need arises. When using any publication that is subject to change or revision, be sure that you have the latest edition. When using any publication that is kept current by means of changes, be sure you have a copy in which all official changes have been made. Studying canceled or obsolete information will not help you to do your work or to advance; it is likely to be a waste of time and may even be seriously misleading.

Western Governors University

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