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MONITORING/REPORTING DIVISION. The monitoring/reporting division of the operations department is headed by the assistant operations officer. This division is sometimes referred to as the management division of the operations department. The division is normally staffed by the operations Yeomen and the battalion timekeeper. Sometimes the position of timekeeper/computer is assigned to capable EAs. The monitoring/reporting division collects, compiles, and analyzes all information related to the construction operations. This information is used in the preparation of construction operations reports, including the Deployment Completion Report, the Project Execution Report, the Monthly Situation Reports, and any other special reports that may be required by higher authority. The engineering division will be required to assist in the preparation of these reports by supplying technical information concerning construction projects. Some reports may be compiled from existing records, and others may require special investigation and research. 

For example, let us take the preparation of a Monthly Situation Report. Each battalion submits a monthly report of operations to either COMCBLANT or COMCBPAC (depending on what theater of operation it is in). Copies are sent to the commander, NAVFAC, and to administrative, military, and operational commanders concerned. This report is a concise review of the activities of the battalion during the month, regarding accomplishments, problems, and capabilities. It includes such information as planning, construction, welfare, morale, discipline, safety, training, and equipment. The numbers of officers and enlisted men are shown for the battalion and for all detachments, specifying the method of movement.

Enclosures to the Monthly Situation Report are specified by the commander, NCF. The following are generally included:

1. Progress and performance reports

2. Progress photographs

3. Labor distribution reports

4. Financial reports

5. Equipment status reports

6. Training reports

7. Summary of important events that occurred in the battalion during the reporting period

There are detailed instructions covering the preparation of the Monthly Situation Report and other reports, so your only problem is the compilation of the data that will go with them. Besides the aforementioned reports, the monitoring/reporting division is responsible for the following:

1. Maintaining a complete status folder on each project

2. Maintaining complete and accurate time-keeping records and labor analysis reports

3. Maintaining and updating visual status boards required for effective construction management including the following: (1) company personnel strength, (2) project status, 3) labor analysis, and (4) project schedules

4. Preparing project completion letters according to applicable instructions from higher authority

5. Maintaining constant liaison with the material liaison officer

The monitoring/reporting division maintains constant coordination and works closely with the quality control or planning and estimating division and the company deployment planning team on the technical aspects of the project, progress reports, and master scheduling.

Western Governors University

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