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As an EA3, you have a great deal to learn about your profession, including the development of skills related to drafting, surveying, materials testing, quality control, and eventually planning and estimating. However, from time to time, you will be called upon to demonstrate your supervisory abilities. Your duties and responsibilities as a supervisor will probably be limited, but they will gradually increase as you advance in your career development.

Becoming an EA3 is a big step in your naval career. The Navy imposes special trust and confidence in you. In return, the Navy expects you to be professionally competent and capable of instructing and supervising your subordinates. Your example of leadership and responsibility will influence others, so you must always exhibit a strong sense of personal integrity and dedication to your work and to the Navy.

The most challenging task you will have is adjusting to your role as a supervisor. Now is the time to start preparing yourself for the job ahead. Prior knowledge of both professional and administrative duties will put you ahead. Proper training and diligent study will prove itself beneficial when you are called upon to lead others. To help you prepare for the job ahead, we will acquaint you with some of the common administrative and professional duties and responsibilities of an EA3. We will not attempt, however, to discuss the basic techniques of leadership; they are adequately covered in Military Requirements for Petty Officer Third Class, NAVEDTRA 10044, and review those basic leadership techniques and apply them, where applicable, in all phases of your job. Also, in this section, you will learn to recognize the scope of other general duties and responsibilities associated with an EA3 in a typical SEABEE billet or assignment. Several other administrative duties and responsibilities that you, as an EA3, may be exposed to or tasked with in your current assignment may be that of an EA2 or higher. You will notice that this section, for the most part, will discuss only your duties as outlined in the current EA3 occupational standards.


Normally, assignment as team, party, or crew leader is awarded to you at the EA2 level. However, in some cases in which you hold seniority in years over the rest of the junior personnel assigned to your team or section, you will be called upon to perform EA2 duties and occupy a position of higher responsibility. EA3 supervisory roles have been, at most times, assignments as party chief of a survey crew or a drafting room supervisor.

In general, your duties as a crew leader or party chief will involve planning work assignments, supervising, coordinating your work with the work of other teams, initiating requisitions, and keeping time cards. Information that will aid you in carrying out these duties is given below.

Western Governors University

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