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Processes of Using the Technical Fountain Pen

As shown in figure 2-32, you must hold the technical fountain pen so that it is perpendicular to the drawing surface at all times. If you dont hold the pen in the correct manner, the point will bevel or wear unevenly and eventually form an elliptical point. With the point in this condition, the pen will produce lines of inconsistent widths. To fill the reservoir of a fountain pen, use the knob located on the barrel opposite the point. When you turn the knob counterclockwise, a plunger is forced down into the barrel forcing out any ink remaining in the reservoir. Place the point end of the pen into the ink and turn the knob clockwise to pull the plunger up. As the plunger is pulled up, ink is drawn through the point, filling the reservoir.

To fill the ink cartridge type of pen shown in figure 2-31, remove the cartridge from the body

Figure 2-32.-Drawing with a technical fountain pen.

and insert the ink bottle dropper all the way into the reservoir cartridge. Place the dropper in contact with the bottom of the reservoir cartridge to prevent the ink from forming air bubbles. Fill the cartridge to approximately three-eighths of an inch from the top, then replace the cartridge and clamp ring.

Care and Cleaning of the Technical Fountain Pen

The feed tube of the pen point is threaded (fig. 2-3 1). Along this threaded portion is an inclined channel that allows air to enter the ink reservoir. This channel must be free of dried ink or foreign particles to ensure correct ink flow. When cleaning the pen, scrub the threads and channel with a brush, such as a toothbrush, wetted with a cleaning solution of soap and water. A cleaning pin (a tiny weighted needle) is made so that it fits into the feed tube and point (fig, 2-31). This cleaning pin assures a clear passage of ink from the reservoir to the point. Usually, a light shake of the pen will set the cleaning pin in motion, removing any particles that settle in the tube when not in use. (Do not shake the pen over your drawing board.)

If the pen is not used frequently, the ink will dry, clogging the point and feed tube. When the pen becomes clogged, soak the pen in pen cleaner or ammonia water until it will unscrew with little or no resistance. A better practice is to clean the pen before you put it away if you know in advance that you will not be using it for several days.

The cleaning pin must be handled with care, especially the smaller sizes. A bent or damaged cleaning pin will never fit properly into the feed tube and point.


A draftsmans drawing ink is commonly called INDIA INK. Drawing ink consists of a pigment (usually powdered carbon) suspended in an ammonia-water solution. Ink that has thickened by age or evaporation maybe thinned slightly by adding a few drops of solution of four parts aqua ammonia to one part distilled water. After the ink dries on paper, it is waterproof. Drawing ink is available in many different colors, but for construction and engineering drawings, black ink is preferred for reproduction and clarity. Small 3/4- or 1-oz bottles of black, red, and green ink are found in the standard draftsman kit. Larger bottles are available for refilling the small bottles. The stopper for a small ink bottle is equipped with either a squeeze dropper or a curved pipette for filling pens.

When you are working with ink, always keep the stopper on the ink bottle when you are not filling the pen, and keep the bottle far away from your drawing. Nothing is more frustrating for a draftsman than to spill a bottle of ink on a finished drawing. Special bottle holders are available to minimize this hazard. If you do not have a bottle holder, it would be to your advantage to devise your own.

Western Governors University

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