As shown in view A of figure 5-65, the first step
in sketching either large or small circles with the
grips shown in the previous figure is placing the
second finger on the paper at the center of the
proposed circle. Then, with the pencil lightly touching
the paper, use the other hand to rotate the
paper to give you a circle that may look like the
one in figure 5-65, view B. To correct the slight error
of closure shown in view C, erase a substantial section
of the circle and correct it by eye, as
shown at the right. You now have a complete and
round circle, but with only a very light line, which
must be made heavier. Do this as shown in
view B. Notice that you DO NOT PIVOT on the
second finger during this step. You rest your hand
on its side and, keeping it within the circle, trace
over the light line with your hand pivoting naturally
at the wrist. As you work around the circle
in this way, rotate the paper counter-clockwise so
that your hand can work in its most natural
and easy position. Of course with smaller circles
you cannot work with your hand within the
circle, but the same general approach can be used
with success. Probably one of the best methods to sketch curves
connected to straight lines is the six-step method
illustrated and explained below.
1. Intersect a vertical and horizontal
line, lightly.
2. Mark off on the horizontal and
vertical lines the same distance from
the intersection.
3. Draw a light diagonal line through
the two points marked.
4. Place an x or a dot in the exact
center of the triangle formed.
5. Start your curve from one point
of the triangle preferably on the
vertical line) touching the x or dot
and ending at the other point of the
6. Erase all unnecessary guide-lines and
darken the curve and necessary
adjoining straight lines.
A little practice with this method should enable you
to improve your ability to sketch curves properly.
Figure 5-66 shows a convenient way to sketch arcs
and curves by lightly drawing construction boxes
(or blocks).
Figure 5-66.-Sketchirrg curves using construction