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Gutters and Downspouts

GUTTERS and DOWNSPOUTS should be installed to keep rainwater away from the foundation of the building (fig. 6-58). Some gutters are built in the cornice and connected to the downspouts (fig. 6-59). The most common types of gutters used are shown in figure 6-60. Gutters and downspouts may be made of galvanized metal, copper, or aluminum. Some have a factory-applied enamel finish. Plastic gutters and downspouts are also available.


The INTERIOR FINISH consists mainly of the coverings applied to the rough inside walls, ceiling, and subfloors. Other interior finish items are ceiling and wall coverings, doorframes and window frames, stairs, floor covering, and wood trims. When required, installation of kitchen and built-in cabinets are considered part of the interior finish.

Figure 6-57.-Cornice flashing: A. Formed flashing; B. Flashing without wood blocking; C. Flashing with wood blocking.

Figure 6-58-Use of gutter and downspout: A. Downspout with splash block; B. Drain to storm sewer. 

Figure 6-59.-Formed metal gutters.

Figure 6-60.-Gutters and downspouts: A. Half-round gutter; B. Formed gutter; C. Round downspout; D. Rectangular downspout.

Western Governors University

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