Feed Boxes If
feed flow is below normal and the distiller feed pump discharge is normal, the
first-stage flash orifices may be plugged. Fouling of the second-stage orifices
may be evidenced by water backing up into the first stage; however, the
second-stage orifices are larger and will not be as readily plugged. Water
backing into the first stage may also be caused by insufficient pressure
dif-ference between the stages.
the temperatures that exist in the feed boxes are well below the range in which
saltwater scale forms, the only plugging or fouling expected at the orifices
would come from the introduction of foreign matter into the system. Should the
orifices in either stage become plugged, it will be necessary to remove the
access plate at the front of the unit, remove the perforated plates from the
feed box, and remove the obstructing material from the orifices. The feed boxes
are constructed so that the front can be readily removed for access to the