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After the scraper is fully loaded and has reached the haul road, the operator should raise the bowl to travel height and proceed to the fill or dump area in the highest gear range practicable. The bowl travel height should be no higher than needed to clear any obstacles on the haul road. A low bowl height allows better control of the scraper by keeping the center of gravity low and preventing the loss of time needed to lower the bowl, as the scraper approaches the fill area. The best bowl height is the height at which the bowl must be in when the load is spread.

When hauling down steep grades, lower the bowl until the blade drags to slow the scraper down. When traveling over a slippery haul road, keep the cutting edges as close to the road as possible to allow for a fast emergency stop by dropping the bowl.

When traveling over haul roads, avoid holes and large obstacles that may damage the scraper tires. When making sharp turns, allow enough clearance for the length and width of the scraper to keep the scraper wheels on the road.

Spreading or Unloading

When approaching the fill area, lower or raise the scraper bowl to the depth of fill desired. The speed of the scraper must also be adjusted for this depth, such as a high speed for a thin spread or a slower speed for a deep spread.

To start spreading, raise the apron by engaging the apron control lever to allow the material to fall out of the bowl. The size of the apron opening depends mainly upon the depth of the spread and type of material being spread; for example, a thin layer of free-flowing sand needs a fairly small apron opening and a high travel speed, while a thin spread of wet clay will need a larger opening and a slower travel speed.

After the apron opening has been adjusted and the dirt flowing through the opening lessens, engage the ejector lever to finish unloading the scraper bowl. When the scraper is empty, engage the ejector lever to return the ejector to the rear of the bowl and lower the apron.

Unloading techniques are as follows: . Keep the scraper moving while unloading.

Stopping when unloading on soft fill costs production time by needless shifting and the possible miring down of the scraper. l Always make an even spread, so the next trip will

not be rough.

. If possible, when traveling out of a fill, pass back over the area you have just filled to compact it with the large scraper tires.

Returning to the Cut

After the scraper is unloaded and has reached the haul road, return to the cut as soon as possible. When returning to the cut, carry the scraper bowl high enough to avoid any haul road obstacles, yet low enough for safe handling of the scraper. Carrying the bowl low allows for quick lowering of the bowl to stop the scraper in the event of an emergency. Allow plenty of room for the rear wheel of the scraper to avoid obstacles when making tight turns, and maintain a safe speed for the condition of the haul road.

Western Governors University

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