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The most common type of dozer attachment is the dozer blade, a heavy, rectangular steel blade, that is on

Figure 11-13.-Cuttting edge and corner bit.

Figure 11-14.-Dozer blade, push and pitch arms.

the front of the crawler tractor. It is used for drifting (pushing straight ahead) or side casting (pushing to one side) materials. Other attachments include rippers and winches.

Dozer Blades

A dozer blade cutting edge and corner bits are boltcd to the bottom of the blade (fig. 11-13). Remember, checking the cutting edges for wear is the operator's responsibility. The blade is connected to two push arms and two pitch arms, as shown in figure 11-14.

Most push arms are attached to the bottom of the blade and to the outside of the track frame at the trunnion (fig. 11-15). On dozers equipped with an angle blade, the-push arms are a "C" frame confjguration. The "C" frame is attached to the trunnions and wraps around the front of the dozer. The blade is attached to the "C" frame with a steel pin.

Figure 11-15. -Push arm and trunnion.

Figure 11-16.-Hydraulic pitch arm.

Pitch arms arc diagonal members between the push arm and the top of the blade. They brace the blade against loads above the push arms and provide a means of regulating the blade pitch and tilt. The pitch arms may be threaded or have a hydraulic cylinder, as shown in figure 11-16. To pitch the blade forward, lengthen the arms. The forward blade pitch is for dozing extremely hard materials. Pitch the blade back by shortening the pitch arms. The back blade pitched is good for leveling, spreading, or cleaning of loose material without the blade digging in. Tilting is done by shortening one arm and lengthening the other.

Western Governors University

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