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No matter what job you are performing, you depend heavily on your sense of sight. To help protect your eyesight, you should know when to wear eye protection and what eye protection to wear. The Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual, OPNAVINST 5100.23, states that you must wear appropriate eye protective equipment whenever you perform eye-hazardous operations. In other words, whenever you are doing something that could damage your eyes, wear eye protection.

Some of the things you may do that fall into the eye-hazardous category are:


Figure 3-5.-DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Record Sheet (NAVSEA 9210/9)(back).

using an electric drill,

maintaining batteries, and

cleaning and maintaining equipment by using hazardous materials.

You should remember the following facts regarding eye protection:

Eye protection is not an option; it is a requirement. If you are doing something that calls for eye protection, take the time to get it and wear it. You can replace a scratched pair of goggles, but you cannot replace a scratched eye.

Wear eye protection even when you are just "walking around" hazardous activities.

Figure 3-6.-CAUTION Tag (NAVSHIPS 9890/5).

Clean and store eye-protection equipment properly after you are through using it.

Western Governors University

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