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When you are assigned to the duties of the upper-level watch in the engine room, you will have to perform the following tasks:

Record periodic temperature and pressure readings from various gauges on, or connected to, the upper-level machinery.

Make required valve adjustments to correct conditions indicated by slight variations from the normal readings, and report unusual conditions to the petty officer in charge.

Maintain a normal water level in the deaerating tank, if it is located in the engine room, by adjusting the excess and makeup feed valves.

Light off' and secure turbogenerators and other upper-level machinery, as ordered.

Maintain an adequate gland seal pressure on the turbogenerator.


You will be assigned to the engine room lower level to assist the lower-level watch (pumpman). You will be involved with a number of pumps and other auxiliary machinery. Some of the pumps and equipment with which you will work are the main lube oil pumps and lube oil coolers; the main condensate pumps and main condenser; the main feed pumps; the main feed booster pumps; the fire pumps; and when they are installed in the engine room, air compressors.

Besides learning the proper procedures for starting, operating, and stopping the pumps and equipment, you must make various checks of the operating machinery. Some of the checks for the main feed pump, the lube oil pump, and the main condensate pump are described in the sections that follow.

Main Feed Pump

You will have to comply with the posted instructions and safety precautions for the machinery and equipment at the main feed pump station. When assisting the pumpman, you will also perform the following duties:

Maintain the main feed pump discharge pressure at a predetermined value by adjusting the constant pressure governor.

Keep the main feed pump bearings at the proper temperature by regulating the flow of water through the feed pump lube oil cooler.

Check to ensure the lube oil pressure to the bearings is correct.

Keep the shaft packing glands adjusted properly. A small amount of leakage is necessary to prevent burning out the packing, but excessive leakage wastes boiler feedwater.

Check and maintain the proper lube oil level in the main feed pump sump tank.

Keep the valve packing glands tightened to prevent leakage.

Keep the watch station clean; remove fire hazards by wiping up oil and picking up rags and other stray gear.

Keep alert for unusual sounds, vibrations, temperatures, and pressures from operating equipment.

Keep the standby pump ready for instant use.

Lube Oil Pump

The following are duties you will perform while assisting the pumpman at the lube oil pump station:

Maintain the proper lube oil pump discharge pressure and the proper lube oil temperature.

Keep the standby pump on automatic standby.

Shift and clean the main lube oil strainers at least once each watch.

Check the lube oil system for leaks, and maintain the proper oil level in the main engine sump tank.

Operate the lube oil purifier as directed.

Regulate the cooling water flow through the lube oil cooler to maintain the correct oil outlet temperature.

Main Condensate Pump

The following are duties you will perform while assisting the pumpman at the main condensate pump station:

Keep the condensate in the condenser hot well at the proper level.

Frequently check the exhaust trunk and main condenser overboard for abnormal temperatures.

Check the main condensate pump bearings for proper oil pressure and temperature.

Start or secure an additional pump, as required, to keep the condensate level at the correct height.

Constantly check for unusual conditions (vibrations, sounds, and high or low temperatures or pressures) of operating equipment.

All watch standers should be constantly alert for signs of leakage in all parts of the steam and water systems. The following are some of the more common causes of feedwater waste:

Leaks in pipe fittings, flanges, valve and pump packing glands, pump housings, and relief valves

Excessive gland sealing steam

Remember, a poorly operated plant reflects on the ability of the watch stander.

Western Governors University

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