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The local control console is a secondary operating station. It is located in the engine room near the propulsion equipment. It controls and contains the necessary controls and indicators to permit direct local (manual) control of the propulsion equipment. The direct local mode of control, although still electronic, permits operation of the equipment in a manual mode. The local control console provides facilities for local control of plant starting, normal operation, monitoring, and stopping. Figure 6-24 shows propulsion control stations including the local operating console. The two main controls on this console are the remote throttle control and the pitch control. The remote throttle provides control of the power produced by the gas turbine engine. This control is graduated in percent of gas

Figure 6-24.-Propulsion control console (local).


Figure 6-25.-Propulsion control console (central).


turbine engine speed and has control levers similar to an airplane throttle. The pitch lever provides control of the propeller pitch angle. By varying the pitch angle, the ship's speed may be changed. The pitch lever is graduated in feet of pitch either ahead or astern.

Western Governors University

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