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REVIEW MGTE LOG BOOKS (MGTEL) A periodic review of the MGTEL should be done and as a GS supervisor you may be tasked with this job. In the Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Mechanical) 2 and Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical) 2 training manuals you were told the MGTEL is a hardcover book that houses all the marine gas turbine equipment service records (MGTESRs). You were also given a basic description of each record sheet and the type of information found on each sheet that makes up the various sections of the MGTEL.

In addition to the information provided in the rate training manuals and NSTM, chapter 234, you can use this sample checklist to follow when you conduct a review of your logbooks. The numbers listed at the end of each statement or question are reference paragraphs from NSTM, chapter 234.

1. Are receipts of engines signed for? 234-8.40


2. Are operating times logged monthly (minimum)? 234-8.44


3. Are operating times up to date? 234-8.44


4. Is there a special inspection page? 234-8.51


5. Is there a conditional inspection page? 234-8.51


6. Are required inspections entered (as per bulletins, casualties, pre-delivery, and such)? 234-8.50/51


7. Is there a gas turbine change (GTC) 234-8.55 page?


8. Is there a GTC revision/amendment 234-8.60 page?


9. Is there a gas turbine bulletin (GTB) 234-8.55 page?


10. Is there a GTB revision/amendment 234-8.62 page?


11. Are GTCs in numerical sequence? 234-8.62


12. Are GTBs in numerical sequence? 234-8.62

13. Do GTCs contain action categories? 234-8.57

14.Do GTCs contain status codes? 234-8.62


15. Do GTCs contain a brief description? 234-8.62


16. Do GTBs contain action categories? 234-8.57


17. Do GTBs contain status codes? 234-8.62


18. Do GTBs contain brief descriptions? 234-8.62


19. Is there a complete list of technical directives issued? IAW latest zero index.


20. Does the revisions issued column reflect the revisions/amendments issued? 234-8.60


21. Are NINC or NIS entries in pencil? 234-8.62.3.b


22. Are INC entries in ink or typed? 234-8.30


23. Does the selected component record (SCR) card/supplemental record indicate INC or NINC for directives issued? 234-8.61


24. Does the SCR page reflect current inventory? 234-8.66


25. Is the removal/replacement data correct on the SCR cards? 234-8.66


26. Is the total equipment count consistent with operating log entries? 234-8.67


27. Are "hours" or "start" entries followed by "H" or "S"? Fig. 234-8.28K


28. Is there a JCN on the SCR card for replaced components? 234-8.75


29. Is pertinent information for which no other place has been provided recorded on the miscellaneous history page? 234-8.64


Western Governors University

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