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TRAINING RECORDS LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss the importance of up-to-date and thorough training records. Try to remember how many different kinds of training you have received during your years in the Navy. Now imagine how your service record would look if all of this training had been entered into it in a hodgepodge manner. It would certainly be a lot of paperwork, to say the least. For this reason, training records should be kept to an absolute minimum. Usually, your personnel record will contain only the formal schools and training you have received. Certain major PQS accomplishments or watch stations may also be considered significant enough to be recorded in an individual's service record. However, most PQS accomplishments should be treated in the same manner as GNT and placed in the division records accordingly. It is still important to maintain some kind of on-board records to keep track of what training has been conducted, when it was conducted, and what personnel received the training. One of the simplest ways of recording training is by use of the General Record (Type II) (OPNAV Form 1500-31). Figure 13-26 shows the
Figure 13-26.-Division Training Record. use of this form in recording training conducted for an entire division. This form could also be used to record an individual's on-board training. These local records should be maintained by the group supervisor for as long as the individuals listed maybe assigned to the unit. Another important local record with which you may be concerned is the Division Officer's Personnel Record Form (NAVPERS 1070/6). Although this form is not strictly a training record, it does contain personal, training, and qualification information regarding assigned personnel. This form (figs. 13-27A and 13-27B) is required to be maintained as part of the Division Officer's Notebook. If it is maintained properly, it is an invaluable source of information regarding an individual's training accomplishments while he or she has been aboard. This form, and any other personal record of training the individual has received while aboard, should be given to him or her upon his departure from the command As stated before, the use of training records should be kept to a minimum, but whatever training records are used should be maintained as correctly and as up-to-date as possible. SUMMARY Although this chapter is titled "Administration and Training," its primary purpose is to make you aware of the more complicated administrative and training procedures involved at the management level. Use of the CSMP, PMS reports, local logs, and admin and training records were demonstrated as valuable aids in analyzing equipment and personnel trends. These records can be invaluable to you in the prediction of breakdowns or conditions that might affect your work center or the operational capabilities of your ship. The need for the organization and maintenance of technical libraries has also been described. In somewhat more detail, the functions and some procedures have been provided regarding CSRRs/CSRTs, the casualty reporting (CASREP) system, and the management of conventional ammunition (including the basic guidelines for ammunition transaction reporting). The calibration and repair of test equipment and measuring tools has been described with the emphasis placed on the administrative and follow-up processes of the METCAL Program. A short segment has been provided to emphasize the importance of effective instruction and supervision of training programs. Also described in this chapter is a discussion on how shipboard training is organized and administered via the Planning Board for Training, including the development and implementation of long-range and short-range training plans at the unit, department, and division levels of management. Finally, a brief description of local training records is included to inform you of what is available to you for the documentation of training aboard your unit. Because it is impractical to provide all the information about these programs in this text, we have noted the reference publications and instructions you will need to assist you in the more important administrative and training functions in which you winy probably become involved.
Figure 13-27A.-Division Officer's Personnel Record Form (front).
Figure 13-27B.-Division Officer's Personnel Record Form (back). 13-39 . |