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Q-D- Quantity-Distance. QUAL/CERT- Explosives-Handling Personnel Qualification Certification Program. RANGE WIND- The wind that blows along the LOF, either with or against the projectile. READY-SERVICE STOWAGE- Ammunition stowage facilities in the immediate vicinity of the weapon served. READY-SERVICE MAGAZINES- Spaces physically convenient to the weapons they serve; they provide permanent stowage for part of the ammunition allowance. RESERVOIRS- Used to dissipate heat, remove contamination, separate air, and store fluid in hydraulic systems. RFI- Radio frequency interference. RFI- Ready for issue. ROLL- The rotation of a missile about the longitudinal axis. ROTATING BAND- The circular band made of commercially pure copper, copper alloy, or plastic seated in a scored cut in the after portion of the projectile body. RSR- Ready service rings. SEPARATE-LOADING AMMUNITION- Ammunition that is gun sizes 8 inches and larger. SEPARATED AMMUNITION- Ammunition that consists of two units-the projectile assembly and cartridge assembly. SERVO PRESSURE- Hydraulic fluid pressure ranging from 400 to 500 psi. SHIP BASE PLANE (SBP)- The basic plane of origin and is perpendicular to the CRP and includes the base line of the ship. SIGHT DEFLECTION- The angle that the plane through the gun bore is deflected left or right from the LOS. SIGHT ANGLE- The difference between the LOF and LOS and measured perpendicular to the trunnion axis. SLIP RING- Provides a continuous electrical connection between the cabling of the stationary structure of the gun mount or launcher and a rotary joint for the cooling system piping. SMALL ARMS- Any firearm with a caliber (cal.) of .60 inch or smaller and all shotguns. SMS- Surface missile system. STREAM- Standard tensioned replenishment alongside method. SUPERCHARGE PRESSURE- Hydraulic fluid pressure up to 150 psi. SUSTAINED RATE OF FIRE- The average number of rounds fired per minute with the number of minutes this rate can be sustained without damage to the weapon. TDD- Target detection device. THRUST- The force that propels the missile forward at speeds sufficient to sustain flight. USCG- United States Coast Guard. VAC- Volts of alternating current. VDC- Volts of direct current. VERTREP- Vertical replenishment by helo to ship. VISCOSITY- The measurement of internal resistance to flow of fluids. VLA- Vertical launch asroc. VLA- Vertical launching system. WARHEAD- The payload of the missile. WCS- Weapons control system. WDS- Weapons direction system. WEAPON CONTROL REFERENCE PLANE (WCRP)- This plane is established during initial construction and used during alignment verification. YAW- The turning of a missile about the vertical axis. |