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CAMBIATA A cambiata is a non-harmonic tone approached by disjunct motion in one direction and resolved by conjunct motion in the opposite direction. It occurs in a weak rhythmic position. When a cambiata resolves upward, it may be chromatically altered to create semitone movement.
FIGURE 8.16: Cambiata
FIGURE 8.17: Eschappee SUSPENSION The resolution occurs when the suspension resolves by conjunct motion to a chord tone of the second chord. An upward resolution of a suspension is called a retardation. The note of resolution may be present if it is a compound interval below the suspension. Suspensions may be tied or dotted note values; however, when repeated, they are called struck suspensions. The suspension and resolution must be in a strong-weak rhythmic relationship. The preparation must be as long or longer than the suspension. Resolutions of suspensions may be decorated with other non-harmonic tones. Common suspensions are 9-8, 7-6, 6-5, and 4-3.
FIGURE 8.18: Suspension
FIGURE 8.19: Appoggiatura