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Using Remote Terminals

Many tape libraries use remote terminals connected to mainframes or minicomputers to help manage their library functions. The automated library control system (ALCS) is one use. Remote terminal operation will include the following tasks:

Performing log-on/log-off procedures

Entering proper system passwords to assure security

Inputting data to computer

Retrieving data from computer

Updating library files using ALCS

Querying/searching library files using ALCS

Requesting library listings and reports

Ensure that all library personnel are properly trained on how to use the library's remote computer terminal. All personnel must have a good working knowledge of the features and functions of the keyboard. They must know how to properly logon to the system and how to enter their access code. They must also understand how to gain access to library files and how to input and retrieve data to and from the computer. They should know how to update and query the library's database and how to request library listings and reports. Knowing how to close out files they are

working with, and how to properly logoff the system at the end of their work day are also important parts of their job.


A restricted retention period has been established to prevent permanent physical damage to magnetic tapes, especially tapes that are stored for long periods of time, such as history tapes. This provides for all magnetic tapes to be cleaned, possibly certified, and repacked at prescribed time intervals. This procedure eliminates such problems as oxide sticking, debris embedment, and edge deformation caused by tape pack shifts inside the reel.

Initially, an on-site save tape retention period should be restricted to a maximum of 90 days, with only one 90-day extension. After 180 days, you should notify the user indicating that the tape should be copied (and verified) onto a recently cleaned tape, thus freeing the original tape to be tested for accuracy. The retention period for off-site tapes should initially be 180 days, with one 30-day extension.

Western Governors University

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