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Q1. What two general types of electronic distance meters are in common use?

Q2. Assume that you have used an EDM to measure the slope distance from points A to B and that you observed the vertical angle using a separate theodolite. The slope distance is 730.65 meters and the observed vertical angle is 32530. The recorded heights above the ground for the EDM, reflector, theodolite, and target are 1.75 meters, meters, 1.60 meters, and 1.70 meters, respectively. Calculate the horizontal distance.

Q3. You are using a specially designed short-range EDM mounted on an optical-reading repeating theodolite to locate the position of a point. To what class of positioning systems does your instrument belong?

Q4. For normal leveling operations, in what mode should the laser detector on your laser rod be set?

A1. Electromagnetic EDMs and electro-optical EDMs.

A2. 729.35 meters.

A3. Electronic positioning systems.

A4. The lock mode.

Western Governors University

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