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Nuclear Moisture-Density Meter Method

Another method for determining the moisture content and density of in-place soil uses a nuclear

Figure 13-6B.Reverse of data sheet (DD Form 1215) for sand-cone method.

Figure 13-7.Nuclear moisture-density meter.

moisture-density meter, such as the one illustrated in figure 13-7. The meter contains sealed radioactive materials, typically cesium and a combination of americium mixed with beryllium powder. The cesium emits gamma radiation that the detector in the meter can count when it is passed through the soil. This count can be translated to density. The americium, interacting with the beryllium, emits neutrons following collision with hydrogen that are moderated and detected by the meter. The moisture content can be determined by measuring the hydrogen concentration in the soil.

When you are using the moisture-density meter, counts or readings are obtained and used with a calibration chart to determine the wet density and moisture content. The dry density is computed from the wet density.


Before using the nuclear moisture-density meter, you must complete specialized training and receive certification through the Naval Construction Training Center at either Gulfport, Mississippi, or Port Hueneme, California.

Western Governors University

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