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Q1. Into what drawing divisions should you place drawings that &scribe each of the following types of information?

a. Number and size of treads and risers in a stairway

b. Bearing and distance of property lines

c. Equipment for HVAC systems

d. Steel reinforcing requirements for beams and columns

Q2. In which of the following ways does a forced-air furnace differ from a gravity warm-air furnance?

a. It uses a fan for circulation of the heated air

b. It requires smaller ductwork

c. It can be equipped with cooling coils

d. All of the above

Q3. In what primary way does a heat pump differ from a window air-conditioning unit?

Q4. "Effective temperature" is the net effect of three factors that affect human health and comfort What are those three factors?

Q5. What NAFACENGCOM publication provides basic guidance and policy for the preparation of project drawings?

Q6. When using the international system of units, what SI unit (meter, millimeter, or centimeter) should you NOT use for project drawings ?

Q7. What title block format must you use when preparing NAVFACENGCOM project drawings on 22- by 34-inch tracing paper?

Q8. For a large set of project drawings, what letter should you place near the title block to designate those sheets of drawings that are in the plumbing division?

Q9.When is it permissible for you to reuse a NAVFAC drawing number?

Q10.What is the primary reason that you should always check line weights when checking and editing drawings?

A1. (A) Architectural, (B) civil (C) mechanical, (D) structural.

A2. D.

A3. The roles of the condenser and evaporators can be reversed so that the heat pump can be used for both heating and cooling.

A4. Temperature, humidity, and air motion. (Source: Utilitiesman 3, NAVEDTRA 12532, page 10-41.)

A5. Policy and Procedures for Project Drawing and Specification Preparation, MIL-HDBK-1006/1.

A6. Centimeter. (Source: MIL-HDBK-1006/1.)

A7. Vertical.

A8. The letter P. (Source: MIL-HDBK-1006/1.)

A9. Never.

A10. To make sure the drawing can be clearly reproduced.

Western Governors University

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